Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [be] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was suicidal , one day I 'd been on top of the world
2 I was eventually given my clothes back , but they were all muddy and damp because I 'd been on gardens .
3 And when she 'd driven Billy , a pimply second-year , up to my hall of residence at the start of his fourth or fifth term , I 'd been on hand to help them unload her Mercedes estate car .
4 I 'd been on duty in the Met Office since 8am , and managed to comb my hair and put on some lipstick before going straight down to the dance with June , one of the other Met Waafs .
5 I mean , I did get work at his mill in the summer of ‘ forty I 'd been on t'dole for four years , since I left school — but he went into the RAF not long after , and I did n't see him again till late ‘ forty-six .
6 The last time I had been on Shunner Fell two years previously I had been walking the Pennine Way and had left Tan Hill on a rainy June day , with heavy clouds following me south as I travelled .
7 I had been on diets and to put it in context , over twenty years I 've lost a hundred and twenty stone !
8 The rail tanker , which had been on route from Ince to Sellafield , was quickly moved into sidings while fire crews and specialists from Kemira , who were transporting the nitric acid , were called in .
9 The rail tanker , which had been on route from Ince to Sellafield , was quickly moved into sidings while fire crews and specialists from Kemira , who were transporting the nitric acid , were called in .
10 UPH 's shareholders may wonder why Desmond spent £4.4m of their money on a site which had been on offer for £2.7m .
11 A number of museums wanted the works , some of which had been on loan to The Metropolitan .
12 If you 'd been on Bupa .
13 Or if you 'd been on holiday . ’
14 But he has got the sort of acidy sort of alcohol smell on his breath just like you 'd been on spirits all night or whatever , any sort of you know , wine and it 's not a beer sort of smell .
15 She 'd been on anti-depressants for the last 4 years since her husband walked out on her to live with another woman .
16 If she 'd been on 4AD , she 'd be given the same amount of attention as the Muses , Pixies or Breeders .
17 She did n't remember anything like this the last time she 'd been on Earth .
18 Yet Jezrael knew he 'd been one of them for longer than she 'd been on Mars .
19 But when I got there I found I was in with kids who 'd been nicked for stealing or who 'd been on drugs or alcohol or glue , and girls who had been on the streets at 13 .
20 Detective Sergeant Burgess went off to report to his Superintendent , and Redpath , who 'd been on duty since midnight , decided to try for a few hours ' sleep .
21 She hated being on display like this , hated crowds and hated people snatching photographs , and trying to touch her .
22 She had been on drugs then .
23 She had been on call for forty-eight hours , had snatched very little sleep , and was about to enjoy two full days leave .
24 As for HMS United she had been on station at the rendezvous ; but as it is barely possible to see a 10,000 tonner at 400 yards on a rough night there is little chance of seeing the recognition signals from a canoe when these torch or RG beams are a mere four feet ( just over a metre ) at arm 's length above the waves .
25 It was almost a relief to discover that even in the short time she had been on board ship she was already beginning to acquire a golden tan .
26 She looked exceptionally well , glowing with health , almost as though she had been on holiday , which Liz knew she had not .
27 She had been on duty since Friday morning .
28 All he had wanted was to slake his own desires , and she had been on hand , a willing and eager victim .
29 They had served deaf people faithfully and with devotion for more than a century and were correctly described in the same editorial as " dedicated men , universal guides philosopher , and friends who had been on call at every hour of the day .
30 So I turned on the TV to find the news , but they had n't found out who had been on board yet
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