Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] the [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The problems came when I protested at the removing without consultation of Christmas bonus pay and the halving of overtime paid while accompanying residents on holidays . ’
2 I think it 's a local gardener , or someone went to the filled up all the turf and took it all out .
3 Er I u used like I did with the adds and
4 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
5 I banked over the let Anne see ; the right-hand traffic rule is very unfair to passengers !
6 Mr Larkin said : ‘ I wanted to the see the place for myself .
7 The outer layer of the Earth was seen as consisting of a rigid lithosphere , composed of several ‘ plates ’ , which moved over the underlying more mobile asthenosphere .
8 However , it was his decision to marry the daughter of one of his father 's political rivals , and a defeated one at that , which brought into the open his unreliability from the clan 's point of view .
9 Changes in tax law which resulted in the phasing out of capital allowances have removed some of the tax advantages of leasing .
10 The ones who served on the Organising Committee and the embryo Central Authority , and the remainder who joined them on appointment later in 1947 , were quite clear that they would not give up their statutorily entrenched independence to Citrine and Self .
11 Smiling to herself , she listened to the hissed shushing that ensued as Mrs B. tried to impart her news .
12 The English players who went on the disapproved tour of South Africa in 1989–90 — the ‘ Gatting tour ’ — will have their Test ban lifted on Oct 1 .
13 Seldom had Sergeant Camb felt so sorry for anyone as he did for this woman who lay against the piled pillows .
14 With a swift movement , she dipped beneath the encompassing arms and was free of him .
15 A lovely girl , not much older than herself , she thought , with fitzAlan 's silvery-fair hair , her beautiful face gentle and anxious as she hurried from the keep to greet them .
16 We met at the do n't you remember ?
17 ‘ Come on , Jack , ’ I said , as we walked towards the putting green , ‘ there are lots of Ryder Cup points at stake here , and lots of lovely money too . ’
18 We went to the see the erm
19 Dot did n't want to hurt its face so she placed her knees carefully to one side of the lamb so that they pressed into the sewn field of flowers on the edge .
20 City gave another disappointing display as they made their second Cup exit of the week , when in their replay in the O'Brien Trophy game , they went by the went down by three goals to one .
21 Bob cried as he wandered into the make up room on the first day .
22 ‘ Listen , you all , ’ snapped Juron , ‘ these controls — ‘ He gestured at the slumped mind-impulse suit with its spaghetti of cables .
23 We are all ’ — he swung his hand comprehensively , to take in the audience , the studio staff , somehow implying he took in the watching millions too — ‘ we are all worried by what we have heard of your work .
24 In a very matter-of-fact voice he apologised for the shut down , due to engine failure , adding laconically that he had left ten thousand pounds worth of tyres on the runway .
25 It was n't the only letter he wrote to the Took family .
26 He ran into the Know Nothings .
27 He did not mention meeting Constable when the latter came up to stay at Brathay in 1806 , where he stayed with the Hardens .
28 ’ And he explained about the Wishing Game .
29 What happened to the Keep Britain Tidy group , they were re-named ?
30 This is what happened with the regretted ending to L'Education sentimentale : it generated an entire novel of its own , called first ‘ Under Napoleon III ’ , and later ‘ A Parisian Household ’ .
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