Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [pron] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 I got it twice the size , though .
2 I enjoyed Prime Minister because I found it much the most relaxed of the offices I held .
3 I gave you yesterday the analogy of the home , and now we can imagine Mary bustling about the home with water for washing , for cooking and for cleaning .
4 But I gave it just the same .
5 Sometimes being born with every apparent advantage in life spawns the deepest need to create something just by oneself , to say : ‘ This was n't handed to me on a plate , but I did it just the same ! ’
6 I kicked myself all the way back to the hotel for being an arrant coward , and next day persuaded my companion to return with me to the scene of our defeat and try again .
7 The duties attached to some of these appointments were not too arduous , which made them all the more attractive to a landed gentleman with other interests but a great desire for an increased income .
8 Always small things , nothing she could have a qualm about accepting , which made them all the more delightful .
9 Almost simultaneously , under Ferdinand of Aragon , Miguel Perez de Alamàn began to specialise in the control and direction of relations with other states in a way which made him probably the nearest approach to a minister of foreign affairs hitherto seen anywhere in Europe .
10 Which made it all the harder to understand why Wilkinson had not begun with Cantona in the side on a summery day that seemed ideally suited to his ball-playing skills .
11 And the minority who chose to behave in this way were mostly aware that they had no one to blame but themselves — which made it all the more painful .
12 He said it very simply , which made it all the more believable .
13 So far they had done precisely that , which made it all the more extraordinary that Julius should be here now , in her flat , actively seeking her out for the first time since he had overridden all his basic instincts and principles and strode out of her life ; away from the disastrous shambles of their marriage .
14 As Ford himself put it later the imperial presidency had been replaced by an , ‘ imperilled presidency ’ .
15 For some of their land to be handed over to the Roman soldiers was a bitter pill to swallow , for it meant the loss of the Colne peninsula and much else , which left them only the Essex marches and lands to the north and the area round modern Chelmsford , which probably became their tribal centre .
16 But even when she whispered them aloud the words had a hollow ring .
17 Leith could imagine that would be the case , and , even though she knew the answer to a question that just then came to her , for clarification 's sake , she asked it just the same .
18 The moment she encountered him again the old hostility would erupt and this feeling of awareness would vanish .
19 When Mr. Mendez spoke to him you believed it all the more .
20 Clara , like the others , found that the sausage inspired her with a sense of violent disgust , but she ate it just the same .
21 She told me much the same as Miss Rose .
22 ‘ I feel like I 'm in prison and I do n't understand the crime , ’ she told him once the preliminaries were over .
23 Nevertheless she loved it just the same but had to sadly wave it goodbye , much to the relief of her cat who took a dim view of the competition !
24 She 'd once worried that when she saw him again the old feelings might come back , but she felt nothing .
25 This in itself gave them also the advantage of a better fighting morale than the Republicans , whose desperate defensive efforts were unable to stop the implacable advance of their adversaries .
26 And then er so our Emma said , Oh well if you 're not do n't want do n't want these to come she said alright and she said she all the invitations and threw them all on the fire .
27 It 's the way she said it Especially the smile like that .
28 No , oh you had it right the first time , oh no you did n't , you need a face , find a face , look .
29 Monsieur le Curé said the sooner we buried them properly the better , he 's not going to tell anyone .
30 We called ourselves proudly the extremists , the vanguard , but it was n't until we read the American CLIT papers in 1973 that we knew we had a name other than men-haters .
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