Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ben Bellaser was best man , of course , ‘ … and had first kiss of the fair bride I helped to save from the grave ’ .
2 I 'd heard from a sceptic that there were only six basic shots in surfing photography and everything else was just window dressing .
3 ‘ My sole reason for invading your maiden privacy , ’ he said with sarcasm , ‘ was because I 'd heard from the police .
4 Almost without being aware of it I 'd progressed from the hesitancy of my first few days there to a strong positive desire to go down to the starting gate : any starting gate , anywhere .
5 They 'd all gone to bed the night before when I 'd returned from a last noggin with Harry .
6 There was no tension in him : when he was tense there was a rigidity in his neck muscles , a rigidity I 'd watched from the depths of the crowd during the brief day of his trial and seen a few times since , as at Nottingham .
7 The only touch I was remotely pleased with was an elegant , cane-handled parasol I 'd borrowed from a colleague .
8 I could not believe my eyes as every film , one after the other , that I lifted dripping from the hypo , was totally and absolutely blank .
9 I 've imagined myself in situations like this , made up speeches in my head , speeches about truth and freedom and protection of sources , speeches I imagined delivering from the witness box just before the judge sentenced me to ninety days or six months or whatever for contempt of court , but I was kidding myself .
10 I decided to approach from the front , to get the best view of the house .
11 Suddenly I felt detached from the baby .
12 Faldo added : ‘ The only pressure I felt came from the media .
13 I shall write a long poem about what I saw shining from the other side . ’
14 One of the things I did learn from the last tour was to rehearse enough material so that you do n't get fed up playing the same things over and over again . ’
15 I went to Croke Park and I had not the slightest interest in Protestantism but I did come from a Fermanagh family where you did live cheek by jowl with republicanism so I had imbibed it undoubtedly and it resurfaced , the inherited knowledge of the heart of the controversy in Ulster .
16 Continuing on past the huge oak door I had observed from the outside was another passage leading to a cloakroom , as the euphemism goes , otherwise a loo and wash basin and turning right I was back in the main area .
17 If it was like seeing a long lost friend again after twenty-seven years , Darby O'Gill was comfortingly predictable with touches of the old sparkle but we had lost a lot of common ground as I had moved from a place of romance and innocence through a world of cynicism and calculated sophistication .
18 That , as I had seen from the outside , was shrouded in green plastic , and , as all the windows seemed to have been boarded up , there was scarcely any light at all .
19 Approaching in the soft hazy warmth of a still summer evening , Alec and I had descended from the plateau into the cool shadows past the skirting snows of Hell 's Lum Crag .
20 The second time I was pulled over I showed the ‘ producer ’ I had received from the first policeman , but to no avail .
21 It was dark , I could n't make out their features , but I was terrified that I had jumped from the pot into the flames .
22 Far from ‘ letting me down ’ , the methods I had adopted from the Centre may well have been helping me .
23 ‘ It clarified one of the things I had said from the start .
24 This raucous noise only seemed to emphasize the ominous silence of the island and reminded me of a story I had heard from a traveller who claimed to have sailed the Western Ocean and come across islands inhabited by ghosts of dead sailors .
25 Robin Summers was the most recent casualty from my squadron , and I had heard from the German at Amsterdam that he was a prisoner .
26 I thereupon asked Howard Samuel whether he would grant to the Labour Party a licence for the extract , as I had discovered from the contract that the quotation rights were vested in the publisher .
27 I had obviously forgiven myself far too easily ; and saying to myself I had gained from the loss in any way was just pure sophistry .
28 To get a wider picture than I had obtained from the local bookshops I made special journeys to various places , and acquired every library book I came across , only restricting myself by not acquiring more than one book from each library .
29 He gave me one , and I folded the cheque carefully into a spill and lit the cigarette with the flame I had obtained from the gas-fire .
30 Not until I was out in the open countryside again , reassured by the songs of the birds and the murmur of streams did I feel that I had emerged from a dream and rejoined the familiar twentieth century .
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