Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [adj] with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I became ill , I became obsessed with exercise at the same time .
2 Anyway I got chitter-chattering with mum and dad .
3 I came complete with luggage ?
4 I noticed this with distaste , and rejoiced that it was not the asparagus season .
5 I turned red with embarrassment .
6 I heard this with embarrassment , remembering how terribly bored and miserable I had been sitting there on a long hot afternoon , hardly understanding a word as chiefs and elders talked to our delegation in local dialect .
7 I watched this with astonishment , and decided that if the animals in this country seemed so sensible , the human beings must be the most intelligent in the world .
8 I felt sodden with sleepiness .
9 I felt queasy with fright for his teeth had been filed down as sharp as dagger points .
10 Strength went from my limbs and I felt faint with relief .
11 I felt numb with shock .
12 I treated these with caution .
13 I went cold with horror — I was wearing odd shoes !
14 I went mad with rage .
15 For the deeper shades of blue in the sea I mixed ultramarine with anthracite black to give an approximation to Paynes grey .
16 Meet at the Gatehouse , Cemetery Road at 14.00 for these walks which cost 1 with tea and biscuits included .
17 Ian Spiro was splashing out £3,000 a month to rent the house which came complete with swimming pool , stables and garages for four cars .
18 A remarkable £3,800 was paid by a racing car museum for Bachem Ba 349 Natter replica , which came complete with transportation trolley .
19 Elsewhere there was a reconstructed hut which came alive with sound when you walked through a hidden beam .
20 Almost immediately , a flourishing black-market in foodstuffs sprang up which allowed those with money , influence or access to scarce goods to have a slightly better standard of living at the expense of those with none of these commodities .
21 After her first five years apprenticeship she became involved with transport and it was here that she was destined to make her mark and has continued to do so for 37 years .
22 She became desperate with lust , standing by her guests with her anemones in her hand , trying not to look down for her sailor 's erection .
23 Even though your knees trembled and your heart fluttered and you felt weak with longing , how could you melt , knowing that ?
24 She went red with mortification .
25 She went white with shock .
26 She treated this with equanimity .
27 She felt light-headed with relief .
28 She felt weak with panic .
29 She felt weak with emotion at the sight of him , and the sound of his deep cool voice repeating the vows seemed to resonate in her heart .
30 When she put the phone down she felt fizzy with excitement , but with his smiling voice cut off , the feeling did not last .
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