Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] if he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Once briefed , the photographer should be left to compose the pictures himself and if he says something will not make a good picture his judgement should be accepted .
2 Perhaps Tock had been too hard on them and if he treated them gently their disobedience would stop .
3 And he used to sort of ask you questions you know , sort of sit there and pick on you and if he knew you did n't have the faintest idea what he was going on about he 'd ask you all the more , see , and if you could n't answer it , he used to come up to you , look at you , would n't say nothing , give you this funny look and tell you to get in the next room .
4 At times the sounds seemed so close he could have reached out and touched them but if he moved from his spot everything fell silent .
5 You 'd look at the sergeant and if he O. K. d it , you 'd have one but if he did n't , you bloody would n't . ’
6 If the Minister had bothered to listen to the submissions made to him or if he cared one iota for the industry , he would know that the figures come from the farmers .
7 His father , Robert Robinson , 58 , of Sidney Street , Saltcoats , claimed that an injection given to his son in hospital by a senior doctor killed him and if he had been sent to the neurosurgery unit at the Southern General in Glasgow he would have still been alive .
8 They can talk to a player , warn him and if he persists caution him so I do n't see a need for this new law . ’
9 Towards dawn , she said to his sleeping back that he loved his employers more than he loved her and if he had been half the man he thought himself , he would have left them rather than abandon her .
10 and you wonder why you 're losing all your matches cos every time the ball comes to him he ca n't trap it or if he does he kicks it the wrong way
11 should do it and if he does n't I 'd be , I 'd be surprised
12 However an agent often holds no money or property for his principal unlike a trustee ; if he does receive money from or for his principal he is merely in a position of debtor to his principal in respect of it and if he receives goods he may hold them as bailee only ( see Lister v Stubbs [ 1890 ] 45 Ch 1 ) .
13 Actually I was cos I I had the back door open and I thought I 'll just leave it and if he wants to come in he can and I poured him a a bit of a drink of milk and er , then I went in the kit , in the bathroom and the door was still open and then suddenly I thought God I wonder where he was ?
14 Well you might as well save him his and if he has got the car he 's gon na hammer it cos he do n't
15 Like , if he gets two you lose all of it but if he rolls a twelve you get your hundred pound back plus ten times that amount .
16 At the end of the day he employs us and if he insists , we shall have to go straight into fourth gear to prepare for it .
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