Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] she is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My mouth jams open , and she says that if I really am going , then either she comes with me or she is staying here to pack .
2 She is looking for a dress for me and she is waiting to comb my hair , and she has the look on her face that she has when she guts the chickens .
3 I believe that those sexual practices which fail to recognise the essential humanity of other people are bad ; the man who rapes an unwilling partner , the individual who takes delight in the infliction of pain upon a partner who does not desire it , or the one who forces another into any sexual practice which is obnoxious to him or her is using the " partner " as an object rather than interacting with him or her as a human being .
4 then he or she can only be forced to hand back the item if the price it cost him or her is paid in compensation [ Art .
5 However , she needs to ask evil spirits for strength , but this power can not be maintained and when her true emotions permeate her denial of her own conscience they completely overwhelm her and she is punished with madness .
6 The old man repudiates her and she is driven out of the house by her half-brother and a gang of servants :
7 It is important that the viewer is physically incorporated in the work , that he or she is implicated . ’
8 that the candidate knows which outcomes or units are included in any assessment he or she is undertaking .
9 Every choreographer must have a motive if he or she is to give proper thought , impetus and significance to the movements made by the dancers whether : they are telling a story ; describing and/or expressing the thoughts behind a theme ; or interpreting music either by expressing personal feelings about the melody and rhythm or by so framing the dance that it parallels the music and reveals its structure .
10 ( If necessary , allow yourself to become this sub-personality , and experience the hurt , sadness , anger or other emotions he or she is holding . )
11 Similarly , a child who creates dangerous mayhem in the kitchen can not do so if he or she is taught and learns never to enter the kitchen .
12 when he or she is asked to refrain from a particular activity ;
13 The researcher has to have some idea of what he or she is looking for , even though the outcome may be unpredictable .
14 The growth of mail-order suppliers ( particularly for central heating ) and of do-it-yourself ‘ superstores ’ has made buying a less daunting task — no longer need the amateur feel embarrassed about not knowing exactly what he or she is looking for .
15 Or , does the scientist know first , what he or she is looking for , in order then , to select the information he or she needs .
16 Failure to do this will obviously leave the child unprepared to understand and deal with the first time he or she is called ‘ nigger ’ , or some other racial slur .
17 Other patients who have the same unconscious impulses to engage in oral sex — for example , an adult male or female who is married and dreams he or she is sucking a man 's penis and imbibing the semen — may deny the impulses .
18 In general , the lower an individual 's class position , the more likely he or she is to leave school at the minimum leaving age and the less likely to aspire and strive for a highly rewarded position .
19 I myself think that the writer 's relation to things as they are changes according to what he or she is writing .
20 We assume he or she is intending to :
21 The skilled negotiator is far more likely to say things that reveal what he or she is thinking , intending and feeling than the less skilled , who reckon that to expose such things is naïve .
22 For any one such machine , the environment within which he or she is competing includes not only the natural environment in the form of air , light , water and food , but also other survival machines .
23 It is the task of the Chief Commissioner to decide which decisions are to be reported and he or she is assisted by the Commissioners starring decisions they consider worthy of reporting .
24 A proxy may not vote at the same election for more than two people unless the proxy is a close relative ie husband , wife , parent , grandparent , brother , sister , child or grandchild of the people he or she is voting for .
25 According to this account , the learning process is determined by the innate structure of the learner operating upon the specific organisation of whichever human language he or she is exposed to .
26 But , at the end of the day , it is still down to the individual to make sure that he or she is getting the best deal possible .
27 For the advertiser who is concerned as to whether he or she is getting a good deal from an agency or media specialist , companies such as Media Audits provide a service that compares the buying performance of different advertisers and their agencies in similar markets and media .
28 you 're visiting a War or MOD Disablement Pensioner who is being treated for the disablement he or she is getting the pension for or
29 Make sure that the baby 's body is facing the breast and that he or she is taking the whole nipple to fill its mouth .
30 To get the Income Support a person must be available for full time work and show that he or she is taking reasonable steps to find a job .
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