Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [vb mod] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They would have lists of all the people that had bought books from them or might have bought books from them in the past , categorized by where they live , the age of the person , the sex , the special interests , the past purchases , and then they would send out special books erm special letters , if they had a new doggie book coming out they might select all the ladies over fifty-five who had bought doggie books in the past .
2 He had been unpopular in the city since an inquiry in 1321 which led to the curbing of the city 's liberties ; the citizens had probably helped Mortimer to escape from the Tower , and Froissart , who was a Hainaulter himself and may have written on good authority , said that even before Isabella landed she had received secret assurances of support from them .
3 The official report states : ‘ To have forced his way into Benghazi when the enemy was obviously ready for him would have achieved nothing and would have involved the loss of his force . ’
4 He knows you were with me and may have set someone to watch for you . ’
5 But the r and K lines were cultured at different densities , so that selection on life-history traits other than late fecundity may also have differed between them and may have accounted for the decline in late fertility of the r -line females .
6 ‘ This cat had everything and could have gone down any road , ’ said the Beverly Hills Cop star .
7 Whoever had come last night had been determined to find something but must have left without doing so .
8 Sussex 's Wood gave a good account of herself and should have claimed the second set .
9 She also submitted that either the social worker had assessed him or ought to have assessed him .
10 And the King went out from Burgos and came nigh unto Bivar ; and the Cid came up to him and would have kissed his hand , but the King withheld it , and said angrily unto him , Ruydiez , quit my land .
11 Nenna admired him and would have liked to throw her arms round him .
12 Since he did not have the physical strength of most of the others , this was important for him and must have contributed a lot to his effectiveness .
13 He only liked large men around him and must have looked askance at small Welshmen like T. E. Thomas and G. D. Morgan .
14 Ludens thought , she 's a puritan ; and he felt a sympathy with her and would have tarried , as he sensed that she wanted to talk to him .
15 Nor does the contrary proposition , that the law does not contain the clear meaning if the legislators did not intend it and would have rejected it if it had been brought to their attention .
16 Lucille herself never used her title , but she knew Sharpe was perversely proud of it and must have informed the Prince of its existence .
17 Potter paddled for it and could have made it .
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