Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [vb base] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 • Announcing his decision to ‘ unretire ’ himself and return to the Williams team next year , Nigel Mansell issued a wordy statement which posed many more questions than it answered .
2 ‘ I thought to myself , Martha must be growing up now , it 's time she left the country and came to live with me and go to a good school . ’
3 Before such people can act together , a kind of telepathic feeling has to flow through them and ripen to the point when they all know that they are ready to begin .
4 The arrangements which people make privately for various domestic services are well known and little questioned , although practitioners need to be aware of them and relate to the people concerned in planning packages of care .
5 These apply to the area of the local authority which makes them and apply to the conduct of people within the area of the local authority .
6 With the establishing of sections , it is vital that the members no the member knows what avenues are open to them and what facilities and rights they have , and how to utilize them and contribute to the running of the union .
7 US officials have repeatedly made it clear there will be no further US pressure on Israel to make more concessions on the deportee issue and that the onus is on the Palestinians to put the crisis behind them and return to the table .
8 This arrived so soon we could n't believe there had been time to make them and get to the Matterhorn !
9 You know what it 's like to bear a child and bring him up and see him leave you and go to the other side of the world , knowing you 'll not see him again ?
10 She hoped she was n't turning into one of those maniacs who murder people in order to establish their superiority over their fellows who say Please and Thank you and conform to the basic customs of society .
11 and you could go and look at the local one and talk to the people there and see what they 're doing and
12 Just a few more minutes of this blissful heat toasting her limbs , then she 'd rouse herself and return to the house .
13 She made friendly overtures , invited her to stay in their large , warm , scenic , colourful , untidy house in Sussex , told Alix to live for herself and look to the future , offered to look after the baby whenever Alix needed a break .
14 Every six months , she 'd ring him and listen to the ravings of his latest guru .
15 The mere thought of it seemed to drag a blanket of depression about her shoulders , causing her to turn away from him and go to the desk .
16 ‘ Now I sing it and listen to the words again and appreciate more than ever what I was feeling at the time , ’ he told friends .
17 Remember how nasty it was the last time you were sick ? ’ or ‘ Do n't leave your doll at the top of the stairs , because someone might trip over it and fall to the bottom .
18 Spray it and jump to the next ledge and grab the extra life .
19 He took it out hastily , lest Lord Boddy notice it and jump to the conclusion that Dyson was mimicking him , and transferred it to his jacket pocket .
20 However did people manage to discipline themselves and stick to a single line for long enough to gain control , to come out on top , to become the boss instead of the employee ?
21 Now that we do live much longer with better health care generally , what we want is for women to be able to live that last third of their lives in health and being able to enjoy themselves and contribute to the community , not feeling that they 're crippled by pain .
22 The great goods depots of London possess an importance superior even to that of the passenger termini themselves and furnish to the keen observer fields of study every whit as interesting as those afforded by the heterogeneous masses of humanity which daily pack themselves into express and local trains .
23 DAVID HUME in 1757 wrote ‘ There is a universal tendency among mankind to conceive all beings like themselves and transfer to every object those qualities with which they are intimately acquainted and of which they are intimately conscious . ’
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