Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [pron] will [be] " in BNC.

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1 right , now there is a precise and an exact way of working your way through it , right so maybe while use my words right , they might not be the same as yours but they will be roughly what you said a minute ago , right , what was your words , some of it ?
2 In his letter to Mrs Paleschi over a year ago , Niazy said : ‘ Just get the embassy to come and visit me and everything will be solved , if God wishes .
3 If I stop there and clutch my possessions , they grow to possess me and I will be their slave .
4 If anybody 's interested contact me and I will be only too happy to put you forward .
5 Then no-one and nothing will be able to defeat , deflate or depress you .
6 It only takes a couple of players to have mediocre starts for them and they will be down there and lose confidence .
7 ‘ We are not at all pleased with them and we will be speaking to the college about what occurred . ’
8 He 's aware of concern expressed by Parish Council and he 's going to see them and he will be very happy to come and er speak to us and answer any questions that we wish him to , so I advised him to contact the clerk to make arrangements .
9 The client knows that the CAB is there for everyone and everyone will be seen if they are prepared to wait .
10 There is room for everyone and you will be made very welcome .
11 You and they will be incognito .
12 Wo n't it be wonderful when it happens that you and I will be able to share a little secret that , in the womb of Walsingham , on our diocesan retreat ‘ a prayer was uttered and a commitment determined .
13 But we 'll do it if we possibly can — You and I will be twenty , Flick !
14 Tonight , tomorrow , later this week , you and I will be back in a world which tries to ignore the uniqueness of Christ ; a world where men and women are serving other ‘ gods ’ and other ‘ lords ’ .
15 If I can fulfil any of your needs just ring that bell behind you and I will be in attendance as quickly as possible . ’
16 ‘ So it looks , after all , as though you and I will be dining together . ’
17 and teach them to obey every thing that I 've commanded you and I will be with you always to the end of
18 If he explains to the court why the debt has n't been paid , you and he will be given a date for the case to be heard .
19 But now take a closer look and with a pencil tick the qualities that are already a part of you and you will be pleasantly surprised .
20 Among the many ‘ thank-you ’ letters I wrote , I sent one to Alan Shell of the Humanist Association , who replied , ‘ We are very glad our letter was of help to you and you will be interested to know that I propose to send copies of your letter , with your name deleted , to our funeral officiants in the hope that they will take courage from it and help any others who might be in similar difficulties . ’
21 ‘ It was tough for me but it will be easier second time around , ’ he said .
22 Liz Norton will now be writing a double ration for them but it will be divided into ‘ Simply Silver ’ for punchcard machines and the new ‘ Silver Scene ’ devoted to the electronic machines .
23 Robert Ludlum 's The Road to Omaha ( Grafton ) is an out-of-the-norm one and he will be in the UK to promote ; and Ruth Rendell 's Kissing the Gunner 's Daughter ( Arrow ) has just been on television and is wonderful .
24 ‘ The soldiers will come for him and they will be sitting here , dreaming about Ontario . ’
25 since he came to our Lordships House with some very and has had to sit this thing ever since then with one exception er to speeches deeply and seriously critical er of the proposals er coming from Members of your Lordships House mostly with vast experience of the subject matter former Secretary 's er er former Chief Constable er and er so many others and I arise only to put one point to you if my Noble Friend decides to resist these amendments , it seems to me I may be wrong but it seems to me overwhelmingly clear that they will be carrying against him and they will be put into the Bill which will be very considerably altered and amended , some of your Lordships may think improved , but certainly drastically altered and I wonder whether er my Noble Friend thinks that really would be helpful from the point of view either of the pr future progress of the Bill , or the position of the Government .
26 Taking the second case first , it is clear that under section 8(2) the driver , in order that he may decide whether or not to claim that the breath specimen be replaced , should be fully informed of the nature of the option open to him and what will be involved if he exercises it .
27 ‘ But we have a number of players already challenging for places ahead of him and he will be given time to acclimatise . ’
28 ‘ I 've no sympathy for him and he will be dealt with under our code of discipline . ’
29 He said : ‘ I suppose one hopes the day will come when he will be so old his urges and fantasies will leave him and he will be able to conduct himself without these things having the effect they do . ’
30 Presumably they ignored him and he will be glad to relinquish his bed of nails as Secretary of State .
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