Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [noun] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 and Connie , Connie 's six weeks younger than I and grandma never saw her .
2 Corbett steeled himself but Agatha only moved the wisps of blonde hair from her forehead .
3 I think we said to you on Friday erm both me and Roger actually said that he he went into er he went in for the kill and he c he came out with slaughter
4 Me and Dad never talked about that much before .
5 Me and Bert never saw him again . ’
6 Like say last week me and Russell never got up before , oh my mother and father come to the house right and it was quarter past ten and we were still in bed and my father put the milk cos the , my milkman leaves my milk by the gate because , with the dog , he always used to leave the gate open so I used to let the dog out in the morning and the dog would go out so I said do n't put the milk by the door , leave it just , put it over the gate cos I like the gate left shut .
7 Actually , me and Joe were saying the other day , like ever erm who was it , someone said something about people being fat or whatever and someone 's gone , oh yeah , like Helena , you know jokingly and erm and me and Joe both turned round and said yeah but she 's not fat though is she , she 's like more you 're more wide are n't you ?
8 We did a John Peel radio session a while ago and me and Debbie both used these really early seventies Thin Lizzy amps and they were just the best .
9 Erm then er I introduced somebody on the seventeenth for this teaching post , for the sewing club which Noel unofficially told me and Donald also rang up and said that we were going to get the money so I I 've already employed somebody , I have n't got the letter yet .
10 Quite what their role in British theatre was , was hard to define , but they knew everyone , everyone knew them and managements even came to regard their presence on a first night as an essential good luck charm .
11 Ana lingered to join them and Felipe evidently took this as a very good sign .
12 They both heard a movement in the pulpit above them and Charlie quickly scurried back behind the altar .
13 Both she and Patsy still had to sleep in a cot because their father had not bothered as yet to buy them each a proper bed .
14 ‘ In her mind , she 'd twisted her into the daughter she and Gaston never had .
15 Now at Thorsbury she and Victoria often rode to the fields to watch the men labouring and when it was clear that the work of leading and stacking the corn would soon be at an end , she kept the child entranced with stories of the Harvest Suppers of her youth .
16 Lydia put a mug of tea in front of her master and then took herself off to the dairy , where she and Martha unashamedly listened at the door .
17 Perhaps she never realized quite how deep-seated was this need , but shop , as well as factory staff , could not fail to be impressed at the way both she and Bernard always knew their names , asked with interest about their home life and would always try and help if there was a problem by sending taxis , flowers , hot meals or whatever the crisis demanded .
18 They had all learned from him ; she and Lisa still spoke , stylistically , as he had taught them to .
19 She and Drew still had a future together .
20 The first few days of what she and Cara now termed their ‘ Czechoslovakian Experience ’ had been carefully planned , so that Fabia knew in advance that she would never get to see Vendelin Gajdusek .
21 Perdita was in such a good mood that she and Daisy actually had supper together for the first time in months .
22 Sarah 's father , Major Ronald Ferguson , is Charles 's polo manager , so she was frequently at Smith 's Lawn , the Guards ' Club in Windsor Great Park , where Charles was based , and inevitably she and Diana often sat chatting while the Prince played polo .
23 Instead she and Jennifer absent-mindedly watched aircraft taking off and landing on the company runway , then another thought suddenly struck her and she said , ‘ Do you know why he came back from Australia ? ’
24 She and Jack now drove out to Chiswick where they played tennis in the afternoons .
25 I 'm sure you and Father probably felt just the same , so you 'll understand , wo n't you ? ’ — blunt perhaps , but honest .
26 Tiller was mad ; he never forgave me but Jennie just said , ‘ Perhaps Bella does n't want to go so far away . ’
27 The Polish replica moved the breaking of Enigma on from a theoretical exercise to a practical one and Knox always gave the Poles credit for the part they played .
28 Maggie was numb with misery herself and Felipe hardly said anything at all .
29 Jimmy looked enquiringly at him and Pete just shrugged his shoulders .
30 Corbett grabbed a groom who was trying to lead a horse to the stables at the far end of the bailey but the fool could not understand him and Corbett simply drew a blank look , followed by a shrug and muttered curses .
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