Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] because [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly , but predictably , the main actor enters the stage and speaks in a piercing voice , intelligible to me only because it is unmistakably one of alarm .
2 Now , where a contract is unenforceable against someone merely because he is a minor , a contract of guarantee is enforceable against the guarantor .
3 I kill where I please because it is all mine .
4 In particular , the ERCs fail in some cases to rehabilitate the men and women who pass through them largely because it is not their physical disablement but their attitude that is handicapping them in returning to normal working life , and the ERCs are not really equipped to change these attitudes .
5 No goals as yet in the other game in group A against Charlton although as I warned you earlier , I do n't think we 'll have that score for you tonight because it is being played in Italy and er our chances of getting that score through the er computer here are remote to put it mildly .
6 Even if she is sympathetic , it does n't mean that she will automatically want to start a serious relationship with you just because she is gay .
7 ‘ I 'm turning this project over to you purely because it is my personal opinion that you can do it .
8 Hewlett-Packard Co is not a company to rush into something just because it is the fashion , but with ICL Plc firmly in the Sparc camp , Groupe Bull SA committed to IBM Corp 's Power RISC and Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA 's allegiance to the Alpha RISC bought dearly by Digital Equipment Corp — with Hewlett an unsuccessful contender in both the last two cases , the company may well be beginning to think that persuading Siemens-Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG of the virtues of the Precision Architecture RISC is a high priority if it is to be seen to have equal standing with its three closest rivals in Europe .
9 It is unlike everything else and it is the cause of the destruction of everything else because it is no different from anything else .
10 Those who do love Frank ( and they are legion ) love him just because he is humiliated and embarrassed : they love him because he is vulnerable . ’
11 You should never attempt to dominate her simply because she is living in your home , for when you invited her to come to live with you it became her home too — the only home she has now , and she must be allowed to remain her own woman .
12 Many will have forgotten him too because it is surprising how quickly those in the public eye fade .
13 I quote from it below because it is brilliant .
14 Increasingly El Al finds it can no longer assume that people will choose to fly with it just because it is a Jewish airline .
15 Endospermum formicarum ( Euphorbiaceae ) is the Arbor Regis of Rumphius , who named it thus because it is untouched by other trees .
16 David Brabham says his father has not got fond memories of Le mans because when he was driving it was wet and foggy … the weather was very bad … but David says he looks forward to it now because it is a classic event … he says its his first year with Jaguar at le mans
17 As the Prime Minister savours one of his last few busy days before the deluge , will he think back to the dinner that he gave at No. 10 Downing street last November on behalf of the Tory party for what The Sun — I must quote it accurately because it is from The Sun —
18 Ferguson added : ‘ I know he will like it here because he is a great entertainer with a feel for the game .
19 We love it here because it is unspoiled and old fashioned .
20 We have included it here because it is required by the context ( i.e. a disciplinary report ) .
21 While the concept of headship has been criticized on empirical and political grounds , see for example Murphy ( forthcoming ) , it is necessary to use it here because it is the familiar way of presenting data and also because many data from earlier years are available only in this form .
22 I do n't want to talk about it any-more because it is so distressing , ’ Casabona said .
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