Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] took [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And while her eyes went wide at the importance of that statement to the literary world , ‘ It was with no small degree of relief , ’ he continued , ‘ that I personally took my work to my publishers in Prague and , that done , resolved that apart from day-to-day correspondence I would have a whole month off — perhaps longer — and free my mind of anything connected with work .
2 I just took my napkin , filled it with all the coins I had won and tied the corners into a knot .
3 And then last night I just took my stuff and knocked myself out instead .
4 I just took his overalls in , he 's doing some painting he says he 's finishing the .
5 after my second week he said I 'd got the gift of the gab or something and I always manage to wind people round my finger and always always get what I want and everything and I always took my way out of shit and I heard this from Matt , you can imagine how upset I was like on my I tell you er I heard about it on the field weekend cos I was here and Matt was here as well and , and I just thought my God I 've been friends with this bloke , we were having baths together when we were like two years old and , and I 've known him all my life and if you ca n't trust him well where does the , where , well you know , who can you trust ?
6 Then I made him a little tent to sleep in , but for a few weeks I always took my gun to bed with me .
7 Last time I practically took my thumb off and apparently she does n't trust me not to do it again .
8 Three who suffered particularly at the time were Richard and Phoebe Winch who lived just below the Centre and in whose house I often took my evening glass of ‘ allowed ’ claret , and Ann Willson who looked after me for the Saturday and Sunday .
9 I even took its number just to prove how professional I was , not that I had any idea how it could help .
10 The Sister Constance , who was the then the principal sister there she let us have the field so we got entertainment laid on we invited a celebrity , I think our first celebrity was erm I think it was Lord and Lady and then each time we had a different one , we had entertainment the whole time we started , about half past two and then we had entertainment until six then we had an interval then we had entertainment till twelve o'clock I even took my piano down onto the field so that we could have music .
11 I know that in Beirut I simply took my child through the checkpoints and delivered her at the school gates .
12 Nevertheless , such was my faith while at the Centre that along with my vitamins and supplements , I religiously took my drops of Dr. Bach every day , at the same time muttering the necessary affirmations .
13 I never took my eye off it .
14 I do n't know whether it contributed much — one never knows oneself whether it contributes or nOt — but I never took my eyes off Peter during this scene , willed him to do this , that and the other , and was saddened and grieved and distressed by the fact that everybody turned against him at the end .
15 But Evans said : ‘ I never took my hands off the ball .
16 By the time he got to the ice-cream he was too weary to eat , so he downed the bourbon — which instantly took its toll — and retired to bed , leaving the television on in the next room , its sound turned down to a soporific burble .
17 She only took her sunglasses off when she was inside the dark little shop but even then it took a few moments for her eyes to adjust .
18 The deal was set up by Ghazi Kenaan , Syria 's head of security in Beirut , who naturally took his cut off the top .
19 In this case it seemed to increase it , and the kitchen rang with Mrs Blunt 's vituperations before she finally took her leave .
20 As Wayne returned , she quickly took her hand away ; she was n't going to tell him about this , not if she could help it .
21 Someone moved , close by , someone whose approach so far had been in silence , and she quickly took her hand away .
22 The mother said she hardly took her eyes off him for a second . ’
23 Screwing up her courage , she deliberately took her finger off the button .
24 ‘ To listen to you , anyone would think you really took your job here seriously . ’
25 He was a form of Guru to the airmen who frequently took their problems to him , rather like the simple Arab in the desert who treated him as some form of God .
26 I remember one dashing lecturer who regularly took his pick from each year 's fresher intake .
27 Well again er I would say conditions were were terrible as far as I was concerned , er a as far as tea breaks and what have you were concerned , you did n't have any what we would call official tea breaks , you simply took your chances and made a cup of tea and hid behind a bulkhead or whatever to drink this , er if you got caught by the foreman or the manager or somebody , then you were more or less bagged on the spot .
28 She then took her father 's hat from his head , laid it upside down on the sand , rocked it backwards and forwards a few times , then upset it .
29 Just to complete the amazing change in fortunes , Mike Allingham ripped on to a short lineout throw from Kenny Milne , who then took his scrum-half 's pass and bullocked his way over from about ten metres out , Lawrie adding the two points .
30 So clearly in this period the U K holidaymaker moved from being someone who primarily took their holidays in the U K very definitely into someone who was now taking their holidays abroad .
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