Example sentences of "[pron] [noun prp] [vb -s] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 my Victoria not my monkey , my Victoria 's not got a monkey
2 Well my Molly has just dug a hole so deep she 's got into next door 's garden fetch the Springer Spaniel from next door and brought it home to play with .
3 And Mrs Rogers came up to me and said how wonderful it must be to have a husband who takes an interest in his family ; her Dan does n't know he 's got a family and cares less .
4 Which Roger has n't seen yet
5 Despite the fact that the five polytechnics under the control of the ILEAPCL , North London Polytechnic , Polytechnic of the South Bank , City of London Polytechnic , and Thames Polytechnic enjoy corporate status , they are still subject to detailed financial regulation by the ILEA , a situation which PCL has certainly found petty and restrictive .
6 Another early romance , which Kylie has often spoken about , was with the infamous Grant .
7 The rest are mainly either inter-urban routes like Portsmouth-Bristol , quite busy branch lines like the Cornish branches or the South Wales branches ; or they are former main lines from which InterCity has progressively withdrawn — like the Settle & Carlisle , the former Glasgow & South Western Glasgow route , Newport-Crewe , the trans-Pennine lines and some cross-country routes crossing England from east to west .
8 Second , the revised theory of democracy in this version includes ‘ the vital fact of leadership ’ , by which Schumpeter means mainly competing individual leaders who use elite groups to manipulate or , as he puts it , to manufacture the collective will .
9 EFTA does not want to be a ‘ kindergarten ’ for East European countries embarking on the path to market economies , but the looser 23-nation Council of Europe — to which Hungary has already sought entry — might be asked to play this role once democratic elections are held in individual east European countries .
10 The secret which Carol has faithfully kept for more than four months was finally out yesterday as Commander Tim Laurence and his bride-to-be allowed her to claim the credit she deserves .
11 This emerges particularly in the verse paragraph in lines 77 – 89 of the Introduction , in which the Man of Law is made to note certain tales which Chaucer has not versified — Canace and Machaire , and Appollonius of Tyre — which Gower did include amongst the tales of his Confessio Amantis .
12 For the first time in Japan , Suri Giken Co displayed the Streams products from Mentat Inc , Los Angeles , with which Suri has just concluded a licensing agreement .
13 Kevin 's just arrived so I 'll go and get Kevin in , erm copy of what was broadly speaking agreed of which Phil 's already got a copy anyway .
14 This gambit , which Short has never played before , is almost never seen at the top level .
15 This implies there is not one single corner of our lives in which Jesus does not have an interest .
16 Scott 's first letter had been an appalling error , and it would seem sufficient reason why Donaldson should suggest reversing the decision to award him the Gold Medal , but Scott , when drafting his Recollections in later years , looked for further motives behind Donaldson 's action as he could not ‘ reconcile it with the character and generosity which Donaldson has usually evinced ’ .
17 This points the way to the culturalist approach to which Hirsch has elsewhere shown himself sympathetic .
18 Besides the Dresser drawings , the Met 's exhibition features other notable groups of designs , which Johnson has tellingly juxtaposed with similar examples by different ‘ schools ’ : several rug designs by 1920s British designer Eileen Gray are placed near a group of anonymous Bauhaus rug designs which strongly suggest Klee ; fabric patterns by such diverse talents as the American painter Stuart Davis , French couturier Paul Poiret and anonymous masters from the Wiener Werkstatte are remarkably similar , as are finely finished watercolours for furniture by the American L. and J.G. Stickley Company and Swedish designer Erik Gunnar Asplund .
19 Establishing a positive self-image does not depend on a cheery morale boost , but on appropriating the promises of God and praying and planning expectantly for their outworking in the situations in which God has already placed us or challenged us to become involved .
20 There are things which God has not given us to know , and we must learn to accept this patiently .
21 Friends of the Earth , also opposed to nuclear power , wants to see coal mines saved because of concern about the fate of mining communities , an issue on which Greenpeace does not express a view , preferring to stick to environmental issues .
22 Yet there is one sense in which Swallow has thoroughly assimilated the professionalism of the academy .
23 Admittedly , the British Isles had substantial tin deposits , a resource which Egypt does not seem to have possessed .
24 In both cases he faces the same moral dilemma which Kureishi has often encountered as a reluctant spokesman for the Asian community .
25 A large part of his wealth is in a country with which Britain does not have diplomatic relations .
26 The medium-range missile will replace the Franco-German Milan weapon , which Britain has also bought , from the early 1990s .
27 Mr Hurd has no trouble stressing the need for a liberalisation of European markets in which Britain has often led the way .
28 Mr Hurd has no trouble stressing the need for a liberalisation of European markets in which Britain has often led the way .
29 That will be the first step towards building the wider Europe for which Britain has long argued .
30 You can cut all that out … ’ or ‘ The Christian replies [ to some Aunt Sally which Lewis has conveniently erected ] ‘ Do n't talk damned nonsense … ’ or ‘ I personally think that next to Christianity Dualism is the manliest and most sensible creed on the market . ’
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