Example sentences of "[pron] [noun prp] [verb] [vb pp] she " in BNC.

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1 Times I 'd lie in my bed , late at night , and shudder to think my Jake 'd wedded her in a Christian church . ’
2 She threw herself angrily down on to the bed , furious at the predicament into which Jason had pitchforked her .
3 On the larger bottom tier were several rather chunky pieces of Beth 's fruit loaf , baked in the manner which Maisie had taught her ; then came the apple cake wedges ; and finally , making a pretty pattern on the smallest top tier , the tiny sponge cakes , each one displayed in a pretty white doily and finished with a half cherry on top .
4 At least she could revel in the bright meanings in which Friend had painted her , had accepted her .
5 Few were tempted by credit cards , debit cards , store cards or account cards to overstretch themselves , but ‘ in several moments of madness ’ Allison Battye was able to do so at Harrods , the House of Fraser store in Knightsbridge , to the tune of £2,300 on a card which Harrods had given her on the strength of her claiming on the application form that she was in employment , which was not true .
6 Louise tried to soothe him and persuade him to drink the antiseptic draught which McNab had given her .
7 She was courteous and obliging to all , chearful , good-natured , and contented in the Station of Life in which Providence had placed her .
8 Save for the nuts and honey which Tom had given her she had eaten nothing since leaving the cabin of Simon the Trapper .
9 They had started with fichi con prosciutto , green figs with Parma ham , washed down with a light wine which Carlo had promised she would enjoy .
10 The front-page story lacked most of the details with which Tracey had supplied her , and amounted to little more than a rewritten version of the PA copy she had seen .
11 Somehow then she recalled the couple of business cards which Cara had given her and , in the hope that the woman might take her card to the master of the house , she dived into her bag and extracted one from her wallet and extended it to the woman .
12 And she still had n't solved the problem yet about what she was going to do about that accursed interview which Cara had entrusted her to carry out !
13 She had taken to her marriage-bed , therefore , a certain natural innocence and all the ignorance considered essential to her station , of which Tristan had relieved her as gently and pleasantly as he had been able , his passion lacking the intensity which might , on those honeymoon nights , have alarmed her ; being , instead , a lighthearted matter , full of the nonchalant reflections of the man himself .
14 One by one the words and phrases with which Mark had bored her , were regurgitated by the credulous old priest … ‘ exchange of values … living by proxy … the superlife … ultimately through television … substitute for living …
15 She wore a red woolly hat and scarf and gloves , which Emma had bought her , and a dark belted mac .
16 ‘ How dreadful for your mother , ’ Merrill said softly , recalling the little locket which Stella had shown her .
17 She gave her mother money which Clare had given her , and told her family she was going to join him .
18 Everything David had shown her of himself had made her love him and yet she believed that he had done something unspeakable .
19 Aunt Louise was a relation , and if she were going to drive anyone dotty should it be the trusting stranger with whom Celia had left her ‘ for three months only ’ ? )
20 Rosie 's got the stuff again and she did n't get it from him , so I told him Oliver had supplied her .
21 But if she told them Nina had given her the go-ahead , and Nina discovered the lie , she would be out .
22 Amaranth had repeated enough of what Harvey had told her about the motorway to make it worthwhile telephoning his partner in Arden to make local inquiries .
23 As soon as she realised what Garry had done she would have nothing more to do with him .
24 Blanche recounted what Swod had told her .
25 Tabitha told Marco what Carlos had told her .
26 ‘ But they have Antoinette , ’ she ventured , remembering what Marie-Christine had told her .
27 She thought about what Tammuz had told her , his ravings .
28 After all , she knew nothing about Bella Latimer other than what Johnny had told her , and the main burden of that had been Bella 's absence of sexual morality .
29 After what Jeff had told her about Guido Falcone , the only feelings she ought to have for him were disapproval and dislike .
30 Suddenly , she was remembering what Jeff had told her .
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