Example sentences of "[pron] [noun prp] [noun] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He looked at the dead engineer , or the man whom Van Gelder had taken to be the engineer because of his blue overalls , and examined the back of his head carefully .
2 ‘ Look — before my mum died she told me Jozef Taczek had confessed to her , confessed that he 'd murdered Mills because of the betrayal .
3 Of course it would turn out that the dead girl was merely someone Jerome Fanshawe had come across that weekend and who had taken his fancy .
4 A gilt-framed portrait of a venerable-looking mandarin attired in court robes occupied the place of honour on the highest level of the altar , and as the light began to fade , the wizened Annamese to whom Senator Sherman had spoken an hour earlier entered the room and bowed solemnly before it .
5 Nothing Isa Blagden had said had prepared her for the fright .
6 It was surprising , really , that the only person in the school whom Dr Ali had sentenced to death should be Robert .
7 Polanski was also known to some of the Hollywood crowd through its inter-connection with the swingers of London and the skiing crowd who populated Gstaad and Aspen , notably his friendship of one of the men at the hub of the English scene , Victor Lownes , the cool , urbane and towering figure whom Hugh Hefner had appointed vice president of Playboy International and despatched to London to oversee the new playboy Club in Park Lane .
8 and his wife , it was her second marriage , her first one had been to the doctor and he had actually examined paedophilia backed off , basically said well she did n't , she could n't get a conviction but it was quite clear that he had the motive and he 'd had the opportunity because Connie died from the fire which Harvey Jones had set cos he found out
9 Near Paderborn in Westphalia in the small town of Wewelsburg was the castle of that name which Heinrich Himmler had taken over from the local council in 1934 .
10 In the event it took the two of them , scrambling and sliding downwards beside each other , faces to the rocks , only some five or six minutes to reach the spot where the railing which Sven Hjerson had noticed further along had in fact stopped the couple 's fall .
11 The critical sherd was a piece by the central Gaulish potter Cinnamus , which Felix Oswald had dated as from c .
12 Was this the kind of total immersion in another person which Mortimer Harrison had undergone , in his unhealthy infatuation with her ?
13 The transactions by which Union Discount had alleged it had suffered loss were too remote from reporting on the accounts .
14 She played him a song about whisky her Auntie Muriel had taught her , on Integrity 2 .
15 In 1942 he came to the Research Laboratories which Burroughs Wellcome had established at Tuckahoe on the outskirts of New York .
16 This was , as far as anyone could remember , the first , and last , occasion on which Richard Branson had allowed sentiment to interfere with business .
17 He picked up the novel which Miss Poski had left on the desk and settled down to await his loved one 's final combustion .
18 ‘ Because I am running out of money , ’ she added , and she crossed her fingers beneath the light blanket which Miss Mates had thrown over her earlier and asked God to forgive her for such dreadful lies , and so many of them .
19 So when the class reassembled , Matilda went to her desk and began to study a text-book on geometry which Miss Honey had given her .
20 You could make it all seem better than it was by reminding yourself of the spirit of Sharon Lines and the apparent contentment of Old Ape and the cigarette cocked jollily in the corner of Mrs Slewy 's mouth and the way in which Miss Lavant had learnt to live with her passion .
21 The interval during which Miss Taylor had applied calamine and sympathy had not been sufficient to quell Robbie 's own longings .
22 They sat for hours drinking tea in Mrs. Mounce 's flat downstairs , while Mrs. Mounce talked about her affairs with moustached men in export-import , and Tessa looked at the little bit here and the little bit there which Mrs. Mounce had done herself to brighten her own place up .
23 In the present case there was a glaring absence of any reliable evidence as to exactly what happened on the occasion on which Mrs. Steed had placed her signature on the transfer .
24 To which Thorkel Fóstri had answered in a way he had not expected .
25 Benny had picked up Eve 's handbag , a small cheap plastic one which Mother Francis had bought for her in Peggy Pine 's shop as a going-to-Dublin present a few weeks ago .
26 She had even found the records to which S. Kettering had directed her .
27 The prosecution claimed Jean-Marc Brennez was somebody Miss Giles had made up and the reason it was billed only as a surprise film was because she knew she did not have the right to show it .
28 Ah thought oor Damian was gonny burst a gut laughin' when he cam back fae the school and tellt us whit Miss Mackenzie had had tae pit in the register , the day the incomers signed on .
29 Had it been accepted , the District would have been confined to only three centres in Norfolk — Norwich , Great Yarmouth and King 's Lynn and would have withdrawn from at least ten other centres at which WEA branches had existed , some from the early twenties .
30 Later , exhausted by the morning 's expedition , he would retire to the poolside where he read yesterday 's Daily Telegraph , of which Signor Fixit had found him a source .
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