Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb past] [vb infin] that " in BNC.

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1 Frau Nordern agreed , although not without adding a rider of her own : ‘ I always did think that Bodo was being alarmist . ’
2 It was low and cracked to begin with , then it rose up the scale , eerily , and shook out its top notes across the damp , half-lit glade until I really did think that my father had come not from the hospital but from some horribly , cold , empty region that lies in wait for us instead of all the heavens we have dreamed up to make things bearable .
3 I really did find that we sunk to the pits when we started circulating recipes for cheesecake on er poll tax er payers money , that is absolutely ludicrous and we should n't be spending money on that .
4 I duly promised crossed my heart and — spat which was the custom of small boys at the time — and I never did break that promise to Dad Tam whilst he lived , and to this day I believe in my heart that the figure overlooking Princes Street Gardens is in the image of my father , complete with a handsome Kitchener moustache .
5 I never did believe that , as the coroner seemed to think , because of one of her mental lapses Grandma had gone out into the garden in her nightie and just fallen into the stream by mistake .
6 You always did say that her fairies were the lightest you ever tasted . ’
7 In the end the student asked the lady if she really did mean that her grocer was a counter-service shop and the old lady replied , ‘ Oh yes , it 's counter-service all right .
8 We never did see that organ grinder again and I felt sorry about what had happened .
9 After the ceremony they really did discover that the minister had married the bride to the best man !
10 They never did sell that did they ?
11 So he he probably did realize that he was he was the last resort , but I do n't think he was the he was the type to actually think that out you know .
12 He really did believe that money was all she cared about !
13 Ironically , fate intervened and he never did make that his career , which is probably just as well , since when he was given the task many years later of steering British Aerospace into the private sector he crossed swords with more than a few civil servants and did n't have a lot of time for them .
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