Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We could bring them right well the two that are down there could come
2 They had stood talking for quite some time , each of them perhaps slightly the worse for wear , and then she had invited him up to her North Oxford home for a night-cap .
3 To get ahead of the teams and join them halfway up the 12,000 foot mountain , Fusil flew a few journalists over the forest canopy just a few feet above the top of the trees .
4 He liked their deference and he liked their gin , and within ten minutes he was explaining to them exactly how the daily supply of crosswords in a newspaper was maintained .
5 It gives them just about the only real charisma in the seedy well paid , well heeled , loser pen .
6 It gives them just about the only real charisma in the seedy well paid , well heeled , loser pen .
7 When the silence had been undisturbed for a long , chilly while he crept out of his nest and drew himself gently up the last few yards of broken rock into the long grass and bushes at the edge of the plateau .
8 Although writing under pressure is how many authors are best able to function , Eliot set himself so high a standard that his achievement , given its quantity , was the more remarkable .
9 ‘ the clearest and simplest remedy for this evil of litigation about charity , by which so often the kindly intention of a testator is defeated , and still more often a considerable part of the benefaction is wasted in legal costs , would be for Parliament to enact a modern definition or classification of charities on some broad lines .
10 It 's a swings and roundabouts situation which perhaps only a locking nut cures completely , but again cost enters the picture , as indeed does personal preference .
11 The same irony is enriched and plangently deepened in another fine poem by Tate of the same year , in which once again the many Virgilian echoes point to a deeper affinity — with the fable of the Aeneid as making more sense than he can find anywhere else , for the historical predicament that the American Southerner has inherited and must make sense of .
12 The so-called ’ swan-upping ’ ceremony dates back to the fourteenth century … but nowadays its as much a fun day out as a way of keeping the swans healthy .
13 Bully behaved himself almost perfectly the first time round the field .
14 So when he brushed me aside brusquely the next time , I knew everything was OK .
15 He would gaze for a long time and , when Gabriel had finished his tasks , would settle again until the ghost reinforced itself somewhere else a few days later .
16 The loss of nurses is so great that the profession replaces itself numerically once every six years .
17 She miss you velly much a long time .
18 Which will give you just about the right amount of time then to walk up .
19 Finding a suitable registered childminder is probably the only option available to most of you as even the best nursery schools and crêches can seldom offer the kind of hours you are likely to need throughout school holiday periods .
20 You only have to look back over what 's er happened over the last few years in terms of for example O S Two , Microsoft Windows , a variety of Unix , and you 'll see that technologies will come along and however sound a decision you make at one point in time the market circumstances and potentially mean that what was right for you then not the right .
21 ‘ Are you no longer a god-fearing man , Joshua ? ’
22 And then , with a touch of venom , ‘ Or are you no longer the right person to ask ? ’
23 In all the restaurants down on the coast they offer you very much the same salad , sometimes with a few olives , cucumber slices and cos lettuce all prettily arranged on a flat dish , a mixture not unlike the salade niçoise of Southern France .
24 Cost them nearly about a thousand
25 We may find these in the usual way by iteration : we repeatedly premultiply an arbitrary column , say
26 To sum up , none of the four theories discussed above seem capable of providing a satisfactory clarification of the conditions of intelligibility of referring to something as numerically the same .
27 But I mean , Gill would go out and I said I 'd give her a if if we did it e er turn and turn about you only have to find one about once every eight weeks like .
28 Moreover the ideal geographical balance gives one almost automatically the best chance of picking up tomorrow 's trends early .
29 in his assignment done , is that everything else there the outside cover but everything else is up to you to make sure the inside is filled .
30 Jezrael dragged herself wearily up a nearby pinnacle , hoping to climb above the billowing mist so she could see something .
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