Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [conj] it 's " in BNC.

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1 That 's not too bad this woman well I think its always when it 's in black and white you know
2 I 'm trying to find new ways of interpreting the symbol itself so that it 's not as polarised .
3 I have my doubts erm in , in that erm certainly not within one nation erm I , I agree with you entirely that it 's contradictory to Marxism in that erm what happened in erm with Mao was that erm he turned away from any internationalist socialist concept .
4 You just if it 's cold you 'll have to sort of stop for breaks and , so you can get warm wo n't ya ?
5 Erm and I will bring it to you finally when it 's in a form to be adopted as the procedure which this board will use erm either , you know , or delegate er the chief executive to use in the case of any appointments .
6 ‘ This is going to hurt you more than it 's going to hurt me , ’ says the dentist in true written-in-ten-minutes dialogue .
7 If you keep on saying a thing long enough communist , everybody believes you even though it 's the biggest lie on earth .
8 I only send you there cos it 's cheap .
9 It drains you completely and it 's not the cancer ; it is the drugs .
10 just to make you again so it 's not just the counties that I 'll need to ask
11 ‘ All the same , ’ said Araminta thoughtfully , ‘ Papa says I 'm not to see you again till it 's over , and you 're either arrested or cleared .
12 After all , just look round any bar and you 'll see that everybody there , myself included ( you too if it 's your kind of bar ) , has in their time been both The Boy and The Older Man , both Banker and Domestic , Ingenue and Other Woman , booted Prince and stirrup-holding Groom — but I do n't mean either that you should have complete license to make him look just how you wish ; I do n't want to think of anyone hearing this story and grinning and thinking of Boy as some permanently , conveniently smiling blue-eyed blonde , because he was not that in any way and that is not what he meant to us .
13 if you look at the cure of erm th the Blind Man of Bethsiedum which happened a little earlier , a similar thing happens when Jesus cures his sight , he ca n't see at first and Jesus has to do some more work on him with spit , spittle and er you know the , but there 's something behind that it 's not just a er a nature miracle , sorry a healing miracle overcoming physical ailments , that 's spectacular in itself but the can take something else on board here without the attitude of people and their willingness to accept who Jesus was and what his details of participant Bartiamaus had been given the vision he 'd been given was more than just his eyesight .
14 Mum , there 's a special one here because it 's you will have to be
15 And there int one on this one here and it 's nearest to school !
16 Anyway he 'll judge that one well but it 's er falls neatly for Gemmell and a good lay off here to Kingsley Black early chance for Nottingham Forest and really Kingsley Black will be as they say rather disappointed he did n't do better there Ron Atkinson .
17 Both can be seen as genuine attempts at making something out of nothing , attempts at getting something even if it 's only a laugh out of a life which , in many cases , by 16 has already run into a collection of brick walls labelled ‘ unemployment ’ , ‘ shit jobs ’ and ‘ routine brushes with the Law ’ .
18 Got this one then cos it 's nearly the smallest .
19 But however I suppose it but it takes it 's like everything else but it 's a dead it really is a trade er Graham was saying to m to me when I was down in London , he says , It 's a pity mum that you could n't get work you know , I mean , you just did n't have the you know , your age and that to start work down here , he says , there 'd be plenty of work for you .
20 I mean I think you and say that you know I mean I think test matches are simply because you know over time , you know people are in to the one day cricket match , be the excitement and everything else and it 's getting increasingly more difficult for television companies to get sponsorship , commercial sponsorship for
21 Yeah , a little , but you I better get one actually cos it 's gon na be in the main kitchen in the school see .
22 Well you 've had your hands on all of them now so it 's probably highly likely .
23 They said well er I thought perhaps he was away preaching , she says oh no they do n't want any of m our people used to go out a lot preaching , but they do n't want any of them now because it 's too deep for them
24 tape on the it went and did it again on me now and it 's well and truly gone I 'll have to buy another one .
25 If anyone else would wan na come with me even though it 's during school weeks .
26 Her stomach lurching in sympathy with the plane dropping down fast towards Bangkok convinces her dully that it 's she who 's done it : left England , friends , comrades , ways of seeing , the easy labels of self-definition .
27 ‘ There 's nothing we can do for her now and it 's House Full tonight .
28 I hear from him regularly but it 's not the same as holding them to you .
29 But first of all erm I 'll just say something , I 'll say it inside cos it 's a bit cold out , about the history , the background of the house .
30 Oh yeah , but I mean you can soon sort of make it so that it 's er
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