Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [conj] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The deathbed scene ; the funeral ; the sadness of friends , and the smugness of certain relations who never liked you much and have outlived you ( just wait till my will is read ! ) .
2 After its financial disaster in 1720 the South Sea Company had pulled itself together and had tried to trade with South America as though nothing had happened .
3 that one there that 's advertised on telly , that looks all round the
4 She said this stiffly , not wanting to be accused of bragging — something else that had happened to her when she was a child , and she just stated a fact , or answered a question .
5 Such gigantic creatures could hardly be living in some remote spot unknown to European science , so they had either changed into something else or had become extinct .
6 Then they tried to persuade me to part with the silver and everything else that had belonged to my husband .
7 On top of everything else that had happened today , this was just too much .
8 She was close to cracking up now , these final revelations had been just too much for her , she could n't cope with them , not on top of everything else that had happened today .
9 She did n't think she could have gone on handling this by herself , not on top of everything else that had happened .
10 D' you know anybody else that 's got a jig ?
11 The high proportion of false negative results obtained emphasises that imaging studies on infants are best done by those who perform them regularly and have developed skill in paediatric diagnostic imaging .
12 Subsequently the contemnor complained to the local authority that they had not served the committal order on him personally and had failed to comply with the instruction issued by the Clerk of the Rules , that ‘ in all cases the applicant 's solicitors are responsible for serving the committal order ’ and that in consequence the order should be set aside .
13 She shivered as she recalled the terrible blackness that had invaded her home and had clung to and coated the village on that night when she had heard the voices .
14 He 's drunk enough to float the Mauretania , and left me to drive him home that 's had so little over me lips you would think it was Lent . ’
15 She liked the people — many of whom she knew well , and at least as importantly — many of whom knew her well and had known her since early childhood , before the mark of fame had set her apart .
16 Beaumont said : ‘ I have thought about running him again but have decided that is it for now .
17 To constitute an offence under those sections the waste must have been deposited on an unlicensed site or in breach of the conditions in the licence , must amount to an ‘ environmental hazard ’ and must have been deposited in such circumstances or for such a period that whoever deposited it there may reasonably be assumed to have abandoned it there or to have brought it there for the purpose of its being disposed as waste .
18 Although the Ecumenical Decade was launched by the World Council of Churches four years ago , many women feel that the churches have failed to take it seriously and have shown little commitment to the theme .
19 Please believe ME , I 'm ill ME sufferers are sick of doctors not taking them seriously and have made a cinema ad to win support for their case .
20 The traditional , yet so unexpected , sign of respect in the presence of death shocked Meredith almost more than anything else that had happened .
21 What he had just said , if that was what he had said , was as frightening as anything else that had happened since my dad died .
22 But the effect of all this on Emma was more worrying to Peggy than anything else that had transpired .
23 Anything else that 's got ta be checked .
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