Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Mary , my eldest sister , had taken the day off work and had washed the curtains but for lack of time to dry them properly had hung them back up wet .
2 ( The first block has given them enough experience to pinpoint their anxieties more accurately , but not enough to overcome them . )
3 The heads of the Valuation Department guaranteed me enough work to justify my continued employment , one of my many visits taking me to the Channel Islands during the ‘ phoney war ’ , while the enemy were occupied with Russia .
4 On top of that many of them necessarily have to divide their time to allow for the other tasks for which they are also responsible .
5 Have you got someone properly qualified taking them ?
6 I rarely bother to use my title , ’ Roman murmured drily , ‘ as your mother knows very well . ’
7 I duly promised crossed my heart and — spat which was the custom of small boys at the time — and I never did break that promise to Dad Tam whilst he lived , and to this day I believe in my heart that the figure overlooking Princes Street Gardens is in the image of my father , complete with a handsome Kitchener moustache .
8 I secretly longed to upset his balance but never succeeded , except in the making of poetry , in which he was compelled to tilt towards me .
9 I badly wanted to know his opinion on the Anwar business , but obviously he was n't in the mood for it now .
10 I eventually resolved to make one , but overcame the drudgery of all those mortise and tenon joints by developing the following method :
11 When I eventually did contact her things seemed to be going quite well due to supportive family but she felt isolated from other mothers in the same situation as herself .
12 Now that I had this label — ‘ partially sighted ’ — and it was clear that my disability would become more acute , the teachers and girls at school found some semblance of the tolerance and understanding that they had previously lacked , and I slowly began to edge my way up the academic ladder .
13 I slowly began to understand its sophistication and culture and the Parmigiani 's enthusiasm for life and good food .
14 John 's manner was off-putting to the faint-hearted , but as I slowly got to know him , realised his lack of physical and social grace covered an ultra-soft centre , and I came to love the man .
15 I saw that afterwards , I rather wanted to hang it on this so 's I could put in my comment about the plane
16 that 's what I said to mum , you know , that 's why I so wanted to pass me , me test , cos I said to mum erm , see I kept it , I only had six hundred quid redundancy , six hundred and twenty eight pounds , that 's all I had , apart , I had me wages what was owed and me holiday pay , but my , me actual redundancy cheque was only six hundred and twenty eight quid
17 ‘ And I so wanted to see you again — so much , so much !
18 You see , Harry is coming over from America for that month and I so want to see him .
19 I am glad you came — really — and bless you for the things — I so needed to see you .
20 Anyway , I merely had to dangle my aromatically forged reference from the Hamlet Academy before Mr Tim and there I was , unleashed upon the cosmopolitan virginibus puerisque couchant before their desks .
21 The daughter no longer had to provide care but said ‘ I merely go to see her for a chat and the company nowadays ’ .
22 I merely wanted to tell you that you 've scared the hell out of everyone at Saracen — except me .
23 I merely want to keep you where I can see you while I dress more in accordance with entertaining an unexpected caller .
24 I 've followed the events of of this erm unhappy but hardy perennial some time now erm I 've found it unusual because there was no Liberal volte face until now and er quite a lot of things happened where the Liberals changed their mind and I naturally started to wonder what has happened to make this change of mind come about and all I 'll say is I hope that it does n't have much to do with events in other counties or with any by-election .
25 I personally have found your candour very refreshing .
26 As I have not had any personal experience of prostitution , I obviously want to get my fact right .
27 He was in such a state that I literally had to drag him back to the main road .
28 Well I 've got lots of acquaintances but I do n't know that I necessarily want to put them on the erm
29 Someone obviously decided to do something about it , and we wonder why , and who .
30 Trouble is , I only remember to do it every-so-often , and find my ageing mind has forgotten the details .
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