Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] me when " in BNC.

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1 You just call me when you 've read that book . "
2 will you still need me will you still feed me when i 'm sixty-four
3 Will you still need me , will you still feed me when I 'm sixty-four ?
4 The girls bringing in the parcel could dress up like the bridegroom-to-be , taking his work or hobby as the theme , or like any male characters such as footballers , policemen or policewomen wearing sunglasses , gorillas with cigars , city gents in bowler hats , or a spoof pop group of boys in short trousers and caps singing , ‘ Will you still need me when I 'm sixty-four ? ’ .
5 Did you ever see me when I had mine permed ?
6 You even loved me when you thought the worst of me , did n't you ? ’
7 They too ignored me when they blustered in — hearty gusts of wind through the door ; false laughter echoing in the rafters ; shrieks bouncing off the walls .
8 It rather shook me when I discovered I was pregnant by you . "
9 It just annoys me when they 're always fagging .
10 I do n't know I have n't looked at the invitation , he just told me when he came home from school he 'd got a party .
11 It always strikes me when you see meths drinkers and imagine those people as children — they were all beautiful then , and it is simply an inexplicable phenomenon which makes me sit here and that other person is out there on the street .
12 It always amuses me when Liberal Democrats accuse me of having a ministerial career .
13 Which is why it always surprises me when people turn out to be such bad listeners .
14 It really upsets me when I see portraits where the hands have been neglected .
15 It really annoys me when people get on and do the young people down !
16 It often gets me when I am in a high building or can look down over the city , or sometimes at a station when there is another journey to begin .
17 He knew that I would never let him marry her , and , besides , he has a girlfriend of his own , so when I offered him money to go away and leave her alone he stood me off as much as he dared , and collected a big enough stake to marry his girl and start a small business , which , he kindly informed me when he left , he intends to turn into a large one , one day . ’
18 It certainly shook me when you came downstairs , but then I just thought my people might be away , and have let the cottage .
19 It never surprises me when black folks respond to the critique of essentialism , especially when it denies the validity of identity politics , by saying ‘ Yeah , it 's easy to give up identity when you got one ’ .
20 What always amazes me when we play scrabble I mean , things that I consider to be slang you know , on the odd time I thought well I 'll try that
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