Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] up his " in BNC.

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1 I clearly got up his nose when I asked him about a report which disputed his status as a big box-office draw , ’ says Barry .
2 He is a famous writer , so I also tear up his manuscripts and books .
3 I was watching someone else picking up his post , a nice-looking man with a stoop , and he was reading his letters and he came to one where he cried bitterly .
4 He had a weak head for liquor which always roused up his deep , if sentimental , religious feelings .
5 Graham immediately felt a tingling sensation in his hand which quickly spread up his arm and into his chest .
6 Since it took so long for Dobson finally to take over in Macclesfield , it may be either that he returned to Stockport as Master from some period or that the Goldsmiths forgot that they had appointed Escolmbe , or that Escolmbe himself never took up his duties .
7 Many more have claimed him to be a genius of the hidden writings of the past ; an unsurpassed esoteric ; an extraordinary magician who deliberately mixed up his mysterious verses to hide them from weaklings and meddlers .
8 So , if gives evidence , having become competent because he has pleaded guilty , erm , then we can cross-examine him , but we are in difficulties if we then bring up his previous convictions attack his credibility .
9 Plastic tubing , 7ft of it , appears on stage with him then disappears up his nose into what I presume is his stomach .
10 Although he only took up his duties in mid July , he has already attended several branch meetings and has supported branch representation at a number of summer events .
11 Charles was not going to offer a cue for another derogatory observation , so he only picked up his glass and finished his drink .
12 well you know what he did , on Monday morning he was in the garage when he suddenly made up his mind to com to walk across to the paper shop to get a paper and he had n't got er a jacket or any thing on , all he got on was a pull over
13 In terms of motivating those around him Daley has no peer , and if when he finally hangs up his spikes they can convince him to go into coaching , he will be sensational .
14 ‘ The English press wrote this stuff about us and it nearly broke up his marriage , ’ he said .
15 He also made up his mind never , never to go near a ladder again .
16 He later set up his own business importing groceries from Europe , particularly from Spain .
17 Had he really made up his mind that firmly ?
18 The mullah was very hungry and when he heard that the Emperor was providing a free iftar to anyone who came to the Red Fort he immediately tied up his donkey and went along .
19 He immediately set up his own company , called Ashling , the Irish for A Dream , in recognition of his national roots .
20 your New Wee Sister , I says your auntie will wipe the gateau off your ear but he jist laughed up his sleeve at me as per usual .
21 He then holds up his own ideal , a calculated inversion which in a normal man might be the text for a denunciation of what Cicero called the treachery ‘ lurking under the false show of loyal service ’ : At this point , normally , the attack on evil would be made ; but Iago unconcernedly identifies himself with this group : ‘ These fellows have some soul , /And such a one do I profess myself ’ ( 53ff . ) .
22 He then smashed up his cell and began his detention with a three month sentence for assault and wilful damage .
23 The Duchess giggled as he then picked up his guitar and sang Michael Row The Boat Ashore .
24 Whilst he voluntarily gave up his deferment in late 1969 , by December the draft had been replaced with a lottery system and Clinton 's name was not chosen .
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