Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But may I politely suggest that in future they beat their meat in the privacy of their own studio instead of soiling our evening with such toss ?
2 I rather enjoyed that in a funny way , ’ said Helen .
3 My Lords , I entirely agree that for the reasons set out in the speech of my noble and learned friend , Lord Browne-Wilkinson , which I have had the advantage of reading in draft , this appeal should be allowed .
4 I only hope that by following this advice other members do not face the ordeal to which Mr Holdsworth was subjected .
5 They really must realise that time and time again being equivocal on defence when you 're on the left of centre means that voters somehow do n't vote for you , and I think they 've had to learn this lesson yet again and I only hope that by the er December elections in West Germany the Social Democratic Party who I 've got a great deal of er sympathy for on most social issues will be firm and clear about a united Germany not being neutral and within NATO .
6 And I only hope that in the end our roads will become so clogged with all these fume-belching cars and lorries that everyone will give them up and start going by train again .
7 I only know that during the half-hour or so I sat staring through the top windows of the tram , I saw nothing , not one single thing , that could possibly raise a man 's spirits .
8 I only know that in 1990 I had to pay £20,000 or thereabouts in interest repayments alone for a business loan excluding repayment of the mortgage .
9 I only know that by going to school and
10 ‘ But I only stuck that for a couple of weeks , ’ he says , ‘ for I was playing guitar at a party one night in Cleveland , Ohio , and he said there were easier ways of making money out there than working the building sites .
11 I only said that about Ralf because he 's a man , and for some strange reason fitzAlan seemed to think …
12 It 's just that I have n't had time to think about it and I only thought that with all those shepherds in the area there was bound to be some traffic in illegally slaughtered lamb .
13 I suddenly thought that on the advert that 's gone in
14 i just hope that at least one of the ‘ british ’ teams qualify — but usa94 might take place without all of you guys … but maybe frank will be seen on a telly nearby …
15 I think we 've erm we 've erm obviously learned that opting out is not for the Oxfordshire people — I 'm delighted about that and I just hope that as a result of this we do not see too many problems for Banbury School , both in the fact that the exercise has been somewhat divisory and I hope that they 're able to bring it together quickly afterwards .
16 I just hope that by the end of the campaign , big Ron announces that we are a decent team .
17 I just hope that after that build-up I 've lived up to my reputation ! ’
18 I just said that to Charlie to needle him .
19 Can I just say that in getting them , I think erm the er Lands Charity trustees are not actually obliged to report to us , and Kevin 's doing this as a matter of sort of courtesy really , because we appointed him , erm but erm erm I think it 's a subject that could well be called on for one of these sort of regular , little , important at the A G M , erm
20 Can I just say that after the last meeting and you urging us all to write I did write to them .
21 Yes I just wanted to say that , can I just say that within about three days of coming off the drug , all my symptoms of feeling violent , murderous , suicidal completely disappeared and they 've never come back since , and all I 've had since then is a dose of vitamin B six every day .
22 Erm , I just think that over the generations er ma a er perhaps we 're forgetting that in the seventies , for instance , er well , cannabis was a at that time a popular , a popular thing , but you also had ecstasy is n't either the main thing in the in the papers
23 Well sorry , I , I just mentioned that in passing but
24 Outgoings will vary but in my own case I already know that for gas , water and the poll tax I shall need an extra £132 .
25 When I was a student in Germany and encountering fierce anti-semitism and a fierce anti-Jewish relations I , I soon realised that at the back of this was a direct attack upon the concrete revelation of God in history through Israel and the church , which called in question German nationalism , German blood and soil .
26 But I soon discovered that in Wengen a casual welcome and a cuppa with the local English clergy was a taste of how the Brits have made a mark on this German-speaking village .
27 But cultures and histories are not defined by administrative boundaries , and I soon recognised that in quite tangible ways something of West Ham survived in the indigenous population — now rapidly declining and ageing — and in the language .
28 I soon learned that in the islands a bungalow meant any house , large or small .
29 Even when I could n't rightly understand him , I always knew that at the heart of his talk there was summat good — sum mat true .
30 I always thought that to be a religious Jew , you had to dress like someone from nineteenth-century Poland .
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