Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] go to [art] " in BNC.

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1 So next day I duly went to the synagogue , rather self-conscious in my trilby hat , surprised to find women sitting in the gallery only , much impressed with the singing of the cantor and the blowing of the ram 's horn , and a little taken aback by the quick exit at the end of the fast , presumably to get back home for the first square meal of the day .
2 I just went to the waterfall and back .
3 But you see , I just went to the education officer and I say , he , he ran it , he , it , it was , it was his responsibility the Guild 's were and I went to him about a Guild matter and I said oh , erm how I mentioned that I was working and he said well where are you working ?
4 can I just go to the
5 While I just go to the toilet .
6 I once used Body Positive to put someone recently diagnosed in touch , and I once went to a THT Safe Sex talk out of interest , but the latter was like going to a CHE ( Campaign for Homosexual Equality ) meeting for the first time and did not tell me anything I did not already know .
7 I once went to a saddler in Bungay who sold these belts ready made up .
8 I once went to the trouble of having a pair made in the finest white doeskin but fortunately I have now outgrown such extravagances in much the same way that I have outgrown the petty conversations and banal posturings of those who frequent literary gatherings or , worse , television studio canteens .
9 I once went to the Ajami police station to ask for protection but the British constable would n't open the door to me . ’
10 ‘ No thanks , ’ he replied , his face as long as a landslide , ‘ I once went to the House of Commons to see how the country was run .
11 I once went to an art film festival .
12 ‘ If I ever go to a funeral in an out-of-the-way place , I always get pushed a discoloured glass of potheen .
13 Stephen prefers my cooking , so for dinner parties I always go to the kitchen and help .
14 Mr Sullivan said : ‘ The gallery owner , Martin Ainscough , is a good friend of mine and I always go to the private viewings because I am a big modern art collector .
15 So , when I was at , I always go to the fucking front , I do n't care who it is .
16 I still went to the US though , and caddied for Andy North , but I got plenty of chance to talk to Sandy that year ( 1980 ) and struck up an acquaintance with him .
17 I usu , I usually go to a St.Andrews dance about that time .
18 If the weather 's all right and it 's not raining or nothing , I usually go to the garden to help Mr Frost .
19 ‘ It sounds lovely , but somehow I never seem to have time to make things like that ant as you know I usually go to the Humming Bird for lunch . ’
20 I also went to a theatre or two in the West End on quiet nights .
21 At Debenham there was a lot of extra curricular activities on offer like inter house competitions , Sports days , I took part in quite a few activities like Sports days , assemblies and some of the interhouse competitions like design a Christmas card and basket ball , I also went to a club on Friday lunch times .
22 I nearly went to the pictures . ’
23 I often go to the Hacienda which is the IN place to go .
24 ‘ Oh , I often go to the cinema now .
25 I often go to the canteen at but as I 'm working late I 'll see what my wife can rustle up in the microwave at home .
26 Well I , I , as I say , I did follow it up and in fact , I even went to a committee where I sat and spoke to the er the police face to face and they made all sorts of promises but nothing materialized .
27 I even went to the phone to call them myself and he snatched it away from me .
28 I even went to the length of taking Kitty McKenna to the pictures last week .
29 I think the process that I 've just explained would allow that anyway , because what I would do , if I just go back over it again , supposing for argument 's sake by the end of February we 've agreed which one we think it 's going to be , we then I then go to the home .
30 I then went to an ITV studio to talk by satellite to my coach Ron Roddan in London .
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