Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] be no [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 I here was no identification on the body .
2 If he shared it with someone there was no sign of the other man ; but perhaps the whole place was rented furnished and what Coffin could see , heavy leather sofas and hunting prints , was some third party 's scheme of decoration .
3 I also got married because of the constant fear of losing Marie , which really is no foundation for a good relationship .
4 Rufus told himself now was no time to go hunting for libraries , he would go home first .
5 William Gallacher , looking back at the activity of the Women 's Peace Crusade in Glasgow at the end of 1917 , put the same point : ‘ … if you have the women with you there are no heights to which you can not rise . ’
6 ‘ It is a small thing , and for you there is no risk . ’
7 Leaning against a fridge groaning with comestibles , your host tells you there is no food to be had .
8 ‘ There you are , ’ said Kraal miserably , ‘ I told you there was no hope .
9 ‘ I told you there was no coffee .
10 I can assure you there was no intention to mislead our insurers .
11 Even though I 'd told you there was no point in your harbouring hopes , I somehow had n't expected you to up and leave .
12 The third one there was no mistake with . ’
13 If Marius wanted something there was no point in trying to stop his getting it .
14 Administered prices may accomplish a variety of ends , but not the balancing of supply with demand ( for social reasons , meat is cheap so there usually is no meat ) ; nor will they reflect real alternatives and scarcities ( hence the metal content of Soviet machinery is 25 per cent greater than in their American equivalents , and energy consumption per unit of GNP is almost twice that in Western Europe ) .
15 Erm there still is no way of designing and managing distributed systems .
16 There probably is no future for a united Yugoslavia , and Marshal Tito 's ability to hold that federation together was a marvellous testimony to his abilities .
17 There really is no excuse for this fumbling , flaccid performance and yet this crowd act like they 'd grebo to a belch if it was feedback and amplified .
18 There really is no excuse for this state of affairs when it is quite easy to write a good straightforward media release .
19 Yeah , there really is no excuse is there ?
20 If there really is no choice then there is no decision to be made , so it is only a waste of time to pretend that there is .
21 There really is no escape from his calling .
22 It often emerges from the answer to such a question that there really is no argument .
23 There really is no justice ! ’
24 There really is no phrase to describe it which does n't sound grotesque .
25 In fact , really and truly , unless you live in the town centre , wherever that may be , there really is no point in even contemplating stealing anything from the place .
26 There really is no point in going on about it . ’
27 There really is no alternative .
28 There really is no need to sail more than 300m off the beach ; remember that the further out you sail the longer the swim back in should your equipment break .
29 There really is no need , madame , ’ Jenna said quickly , thinking that another day here would just about finish her off .
30 Since there really is no comparison , let's make one .
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