Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] be [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Which I was for shying off anyway , because I do n't think it 's any of our , our business .
2 The owner wished to find out whether such a relationship could be formulated and used to predict sales in other shops which he was considering adding to his chain .
3 There may be some pleasures for which it is worth risking one 's life but to do so for a cigarette is an illustration of the sheer insanity of addictive disease .
4 Questions which it is worth keeping in mind when reading the remaining chapters in this book would be the following :
5 Nobody knows who you are on Remembering Night because you wear black clothes that cover you from head to foot , and there is no name of your name-animal .
6 Ah 'll tell you she was like dyin' — that pumpin' job had n't done no good at all .
7 It is as if they are saying , ‘ We believe in Jesus because he proved who he was by working miracles . ’
8 We ran and knocked on the midwife 's door and Mrs Bullivant seemed to know who it was without looking , for she called out for Nelly to run and get newspapers and hot water ready .
9 Knowing who it was without raising her head , she waited until she felt him standing beside her , but when she looked up , already prepared for trouble , she was shocked by the intensity of the hatred that glittered from out of his eyes .
10 I can promise you it 's worth insisting . ’
11 A rare one she is for putting her feet up and having an early supper in front of the telly you 've put in her room . ’
12 But increasing despondency about the impracticality of using hired machines to carry out orders made her persevere , and the advice of friends and a local engineering firm convinced her it was worth bidding for .
13 Do n't tell me he 's after hiring new staff .
14 I suppose you may say : ‘ Why should I be more green ’ ? and what I say to that is : ‘ I do n't know what the reason is for you but I do know that for me it 's about showing compassion for the planet we live on and trying to hand on as much beauty and good-will as we possibly can to future generations ; while improving our own quality of life .
15 ‘ My mother told me it was like having red hair .
16 She 'd have looked a bit different , I can tell , from what she was like lying up there with her hair all cut off . "
17 Do you think you know what they 're about do n't you .
18 ‘ How do I know what they 're like to live with ? ’
19 If a grown-up really wants to find out what it is like to live in a young person 's world , let him or her get down on hands and knees and go about like that for a week .
20 People in Britain tend to have strong feelings about what it is like to live in rural or urban areas .
21 Flupper tells them its story : not just what happened , but also about what it is like to live on Positos VI PH .
22 I know what it is like to love and be loved .
23 But what it is like to exist and survive within a bureaucracy ?
24 Niki has ‘ written ’ a whole book on what it is like to drive for Ferrari .
25 Imagine what it is like to sit through a meeting , go to the theatre or try to follow a further education class if it is essential to see the speaker 's face in order to understand what is said .
26 This might be characterized as ‘ what it is like to see ’ or ‘ what things look like ’ or , most especially , ‘ what colours are like ’ ( that is , what they look like — there is no difference in their case ) .
27 He combines the view that what it is like to see , for example colour is something BS would come to know on gaining his sight , with the view that what it is like to see , for example , colour is not a further fact in addition to the physical facts about the brain ( p. 146f ) .
28 He combines the view that what it is like to see , for example colour is something BS would come to know on gaining his sight , with the view that what it is like to see , for example , colour is not a further fact in addition to the physical facts about the brain ( p. 146f ) .
29 At first sight this looks like an uninteresting stipulation about how to use the word ‘ fact ’ — uninteresting because the anti-materialist could as well state his case using some such term as ‘ feature ’ or ‘ aspect ’ , and it is difficult to see how , once having allowed that there is something called ‘ what it is like to see ’ which one only learns by seeing , one could refuse to describe this as a feature or aspect of mental life .
30 So long as it maintains the idea that believers talking to unbelievers are like people explaining to the blind what it is like to see , reason may be tolerated .
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