Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] have [to-vb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 I do not think that the problem which we have to solve is really assisted by considering in what respect his position is the same quoad the landlord as it was before the order was made .
2 The challenge which they have to face is summed up almost casually as Cruiser Trewsbury talks to a seaman in a pause from effort .
3 What I have to do is find a good bit .
4 which will be I do n't know about ten o'clock-ish is that a problem the er a copy of a buyer 's guide in for you Before we move into the role play for cycle , what I have to do is show you erm a training video that is produced by the department , you may have seen it before I do n't know
5 What I have to say is important . ’
6 What she has to offer is precisely what has seen Cliff through 31 years of showbusiness .
7 So , what you have to argue is that that is not a confession .
8 Kiri says , ‘ What you have to remember is to give quality , not quantity . ’
9 I think what you have to remember is that these three sheets er are in fact , well w what we have to remember is that the business manager is an internal client , and that these three sheets are something to him , or to her , to type to form the appointment contract , so therefore let's get it right .
10 What you have to remember is that you need a pair of commas and not just one .
11 I mean what you have to remember is that we have not made a decision about Rockhill Farm .
12 In terms of the other eastern bloc countries , what you have to say is what is the long terms aspiration and goal of the E C ?
13 If you look at all Freud 's writings , I think what you have to say is , if you want to say that , you must make the qualification that the id is a Hobbesian erm , thing as it were , but the ego is a pro-social erm , part of the personality .
14 Basically , what you have to do is to rehang the radiator in its new position , and then divert the flow and return pipework to it .
15 That is the mechanism : what you have to do is use it .
16 But what you have to do is actually realize that Jesus died for you you have to be sorry for all the things that you 've done wrong and you need to ask him to come into your life and to be your own saviour .
17 What you have to do is rip the old keyboard overlay off the Spectrum , remove the membrane and replace it with the PCB which plugs into the normal connectors .
18 What you have to do is find them — with the aid of your Trail Map — and solve the Dash Discovery puzzle .
19 All I 'd say is that what you have to do Is to ask questions which although are apparently about what you want to do … where you want to get to should really be telling you about the person you 're — "
20 And then if you want to find out the reason for the tension or how to stop it , what you have to do is look at the interests of those concerned .
21 With the larger objectives slightly clearer , what you have to do is to work out how these are achievable in terms of the wide array of topics presented to you , or in terms of possible topics you are invited to define for yourself .
22 You ca n't for real you ca n't really move blue ball you can move the red ball as much as you like but not What you have to do is to so just try a normally conventional just sling straight through here
23 what you have to do is , Tim have the first go , we have to stir it round like that with a , with a fork , OK
24 what you have to do is you have to get your sister to do it for you .
25 What you have to do is look at your T G and close your eyes .
26 It is my little pet theory about religious poetry that the greatest religious poetry is an act of renunciation and therefore what you have to do is put in what you 're giving away .
27 He was in a fix — he had bought two papers and merged them together , and I was n't around , I was in New York , and I did the logo for him in a hurry , but I did n't have time to design a newspaper , nor was it the kind of thing for which he could pay a big design fee , so he described it on the phone and then he faxed me some pages of the existing papers , and I said well what you have to do is look at the old London Times and do that .
28 yeah , but it goes from computer to computer , but summat 's gone wrong ai n't it ? , somewhere along the line , they 've rang the bank themselves maybe he did n't believe your dad or not I do n't know , she got back to him , she says , we 've rang your bank and they were very helpful , they saw it so what you have to do is ring Blackpool , she says as so as soon as Blackpool ring back , she 'll ring
29 Erm what you have to avoid is just divide into three ?
30 But what you have to understand is that he 's the biggest thing in these villages , so he has to be the biggest thing in my life .
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