Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [pers pn] [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I mean for me I I 've gone beyond hoping in a way I mean it 's just a question of keeping going from week to week and I do n't know how to measure success .
2 The thing is I I me I 've taken all my up here today .
3 Yes , I I we have read it , we have read it .
4 And I have to say that 's a luxury that most recruiters do n't have but whoever walks through this door I I you know providing all the other things jell erm I have the luxury of offering five companies in which er an individual can go into .
5 Because I I I 've said this to him before on on the floor of the house , that is what we are required to do in the insurance brokers registration council for all insurance broking firms , that is what parliament required in the insurance brokers registration act and it is not an onerous requirement on firms , it is not excessively expensive so it would meet I believe , any cost compliance test er that erm the er the D T I might wish to insist be carried out .
6 So I I I 've said to Margaret , he 's a , I think he must doing something with the extractor fan because he 's cut a hole in the er barge pole so , on the board so obviously
7 Any , you know particular reason for that , having got David here ah I I I 've decided to go through actually .
8 Well that , sorry I I I 've lost it , so let's .
9 So erm I I I 've got them in the back of of what type of strategy you should .
10 I I I 've got all the necessary papers to do that .
11 I I I 've got one .
12 He 's I I I I 've got this dog loose .
13 You know I I I 've cancelled down before but you know in this like .
14 Yes , I I I I 've had these for a relatively short period of time .
15 The other criteria I I I I tend to agree with are matters which are capable of being weighing and balancing against each other and they are not overriding , but I think those three matter which I specified are overriding and would rule out any location .
16 I I I have to say that I I I I 'm not enthusiastic about using this which is so obviously at a report in support of the particular locations , to look objectively at the criteria .
17 I I I have had dealings with him .
18 But I I I do suggest to you , that that about demonstrates what we 've really known all along , it was subjectively , that County Council actually has more women employees than men .
19 Erm and therefore I g I I I do think that is quite a big issue as far as this but all I these these all these arguments have been rehearsed as we 've said before , in housing committee , but I would just like to make one point and this is it .
20 No I I I do agree with you , but I
21 Er , one of the things that I I I do wish hand-book writers would er , do , is to erm , write whenever practical , to seek out the strength of the group , at the beginning , so , that for example , how mu if there are those of us who 've been magistrates or been before the court , or involved in legal processes .
22 I I I do differ with that in some respects , in that er until we 've arranged the agenda we 're not always sure whether there will be specifically highway matters , er and er I must confess , although not on the agenda very often , highway matters are things that that that that do get commented on , er but er none the less , it 's just the principle , I mean er it 's a bit difficult to start saying , well do we send it because we have particular things , er or or
23 Er Mr Mayor there 's only one point I I I want to make an and that is this is a rather typical conservative budget .
24 Er well I 'm not sure I want to I I I I want to help you out chairman .
25 So I I I start to put it across to the to the Why not try and negotiated one commission , fifteen percent , you see ?
26 Well I you you 've got happy smiles on your face because
27 And er again I have to put to you I you 've heard the say and I do think you 'll disagree .
28 But yes thank you I I do take the point .
29 It 's so repetitive marking your scale and people just lose concentration and I can do this you know and the next minute you you you 've gone up in twos instead of ones .
30 I you you you 've made that quite clear .
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