Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [modal v] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 And whatever he does to me I shall still have my woman-me he can never touch .
2 If he , if he says anything to me I 'll just have to tell him .
3 The doctors told me I would never have a child of my own .
4 ‘ If you had n't been out there , if you had n't shouted at me I 'd never have fallen in . ’
5 And then there are those than whom I would rather have mice , and into this latter category fall the Molesworths . ’
6 I can not think of any United States naval officer whom I would sooner have in his place in those near-impossible circumstances .
7 To avoid them I should either have had to go several hundred yards through dense undergrowth , or make a wide detour round and above them ; the former would have subjected me to very great danger , and there was no time for the latter , for the sun was near setting and I had still two miles to go .
8 Can I just mention that the reason why some of the older properties in this village has steeper pitched roofs is not because they 're pantiled now , because originally they were erm , thatched , and the thatch needs a very steep pitch and particularly when there 's a erm a gable end higher than the pantiles , it 's where there was a thatched roof originally , but most of the older properties in this village are only one room wide , so you ca n't get a very big roof on , no matter how steep it is , the proposed houses here are in fact virtually sort of two rooms wide are n't they , so that means they are wide at the eves , I I would personally have thought that erm they could have been pitched a bit less .
9 ‘ Well , I suppose what I mean is that Richard is someone I would never have introduced to my parents — and he is someone I had quite a … sexual relationship with .
10 That someone she would never have ; the only man she wanted was beyond her reach and she would n't , could n't accept second best , though that was what she would have to do unless she wanted to walk alone forever .
11 Er so I suspect it 's not worked out quite as we intended er and it I mean the main problem is that it 's it 's it 's cost us time , cost me time which I would rather have spent on something else but there we are .
12 I have seen clauses in record contracts which are absolutely meaningless and which I would happily have traded for a defined amount of money for a tour support , video , or promotional commitment .
13 During the process , however , I have learnt so much about myself which I would never have known otherwise .
14 ‘ On my tour I 'm going to sing My Funny Valentine and Some Enchanted Evening — songs which I would never have tackled before .
15 My new project led me into unexplored realms of psychology which I might otherwise have ignored .
16 which I 'd never have thought .
17 ‘ It is obvious that I have been exploited for propaganda purposes in a film in which I should never have allowed myself to appear , ’ he bitterly commented afterwards .
18 Our respective manners proved so widely different , that it would have been quite presumptuous in me to do anything but separate from an undertaking upon which I could only have been a clog . ’
19 Do n't forget — the £22,250 Extra Prize ( which you may already have won ) and the £27,750 ‘ Early Bird' Prize can be claimed only within the next SEVEN days .
20 Here are some further areas in which you may well have experience and that would stand you in good stead with a prospective employer .
21 However , there is another system parameter , VIRTUALPAGECNT , which you may also have to increase , so skip to Section 1.6.1 now ( otherwise you may have to reboot the system twice ! )
22 And so , depending on what you want to do on nine o'clock on Monday morning , you would take out the required floppy disc , put it in your computer , take out your data disc , which you would also have kept , put that in the second floppy disc unit , and you 'd be ready to run that particular application .
23 If you 're going to have to find a much larger area you have to spread your net wider to find more and more sites for development which you might otherwise have been able to save from development , and there will an environmental cost , a cost to the quality of life of people living nearby because sites you might not wish to have developed must be included to find the target figure of industrial development .
24 I think that 's a prudent way of going about things , it 's responsive t to the questions which you might possibly have read and but it does n't make over optimistic assessments about the likely savings that the council control .
25 Another im prominent toxoid vaccine which you should all have received and be regularly receiving boosters for is the tetanus vaccine , and really , a very similar situation pertains here , that the toxin is so important in the pathogenesis of disease , tetanus , that simply immunity to that one factor can lead to immunity er to the disease as a whole .
26 A whole week in Paris at Easter seemed to her something for which she would willingly have sold her soul .
27 Ruth 's clothes , which she would soon have grown out of , she put into bags for Oxfam .
28 She , who had always helped lame dogs , now refused the many helping hands that were held out to her , because they only hauled her back , temporarily , into a life of comfort from which she would later have to return to reality .
29 In a way she hoped he had not and yet , on the other hand , she believed the news would have made his final days very happy , however heinous the deceit with which she would always have to live .
30 In particular , ‘ Britain was bounced into surrenders of sovereignty which she would never have accepted if they had been presented as abstract ideas ’ .
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