Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Well I I went out to them , and because I heard banging , and I looked out the window and they were hacking at my fence , and I went out bu and was playing war with them when Jim crossed the road with one of them following behind and away down the street , and I thought oh !
2 When I 'm boat fishing I use a plain , bodied waggler , which I shot down to a quarter inch or so off the surface .
3 erm So that there are a large number of tropical foresters now who 've been here and gone back to their own country , and one of the things which I point out to them these days is the need for public relations in their own countries , and getting information across to governments and being able to talk to economists and finance people in their own countries .
4 At this stage the fish were all a dull brown which I put down to the new environment — the photograph I has seen showed a tan coloured upper body smothered with black patches .
5 I found a pass belonging to a Mrs Mulholland of Bootle which I sent on to her .
6 So I gradually amassed armfuls of small twigs , which I carried back to my cave .
7 Also following this sheet is single page of fax received from UNIVERSITY OF YORK which I read out to you this morning .
8 Are they maintained by anger from the past , which you hold on to ?
9 Do n't zoom the lens in and out , either , but save this effect for the last shot in which you zoom out to a wide view of the garden again .
10 ‘ This is Mrs Crupp 's dish of kidneys , sir , for which she sent out to the pastrycook in David Copperfield .
11 The locals thought she was a stuck-up bitch from Belfast , which she played up to the hilt , and the other guests — foreigners , mostly Dutch and Germans by their collar sizes — were taken by her vivacity , and the calm indulgence of the quiet , handsome man opposite her , who said little , smiled a lot , and ordered a second full fried breakfast in a way that had the waitress fit to melt into his arms .
12 For Gertrude Jekyll the arts and crafts creed of unity of the arts was not just an artistic concept but fundamental to her special art and skills in home-making which she passed on to Lutyens , inspiring him to build not just houses but homes .
13 From it she took a book , which she carried over to the dressing-table .
14 She came back , this time carrying a plate with home-made biscuits on it which she held out to Meredith .
15 After the coffee and cognac were served she delved into her handbag and withdrew a folded sheet of paper which she held out to him .
16 Another friend puts all her bits and pieces like grooming brushes and fly repellent in an old door manger , which she fastened on to the door .
17 She survived unscathed , which she put down to her ability to be assertive .
18 She dresses for the most part in a pink frilly fairy costume in which she walks down to the beach , paints , dances and collects snails .
19 Then a bridle which is on the horse 's head and a bit , in the horse 's mouth and reins attached to the bit which we hold on to .
20 One enterprising young man gathered 60 ration books into his brief-case and persuaded an RCAF pilot , due for a recognizance flight that day , to fly him several hundred miles across the provincial border to Atlin , B.C. At the friendly invitation of those concerned I went along for the ride and helped my energetic friends load five cases of Johnny Walker , which we transported back to Whitehorse well in time for a Saturday night party .
21 This was held by Salmon J. in Mount v. Jay & Jay Ltd. ( 1959 Q.B. ) where the buyers wrote their own delivery order which they sent off to the sub-purchaser .
22 The upper half of their beak has a hook in it with which they latch on to a flower .
23 My parents , children of the Depression , had a credit account at the city 's major department store which they kept up to date every month .
24 At higher temperatures ( ca 500°C ) the linewidths and peaks change , which they put down to disorder as some zinc enters the copper particles to form a dilute brass .
25 At Fermeuse the two English vessels attacked and robbed three Portuguese vessels , lading their catch and goods into the São João which they brought back to Southampton , presumably dividing the returns between Perrot and Oughtred .
26 Instead , the Greeks embarked on an argument about the name of the place in the course of which they cosied up to Serbia ( which is the chief danger to the peaceful , democratic Balkans they want ) and bullied Macedonia ( which they need as a buffer between themselves and Serbia ) .
27 Increasingly underwriters took blocks of stock which they moved on to clients .
28 Spending the night there he travelled next day to Stone , where refreshing himself he proceeded on to Halling , hoping he could find safety and refuge .
29 Clutching himself he crawled back to the cabinet and ran a tentative hand over the woodwork .
30 At the end of the visit Archipenko told Modigliani to help himself to the fruit and vegetables in their garden which he took back to Jeanne and her mother as a peace offering .
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