Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 One family gave me a day off every month , told me I had to be back before nine in the evening and checked my bag when I left to see if I had n't robbed anything .
2 ‘ People in football will understand — Lennie Lawrence told me I needed to be superhuman to perform in that atmosphere .
3 I shall single out those writers whom I take to be the most significant among contemporary anti-individualist social scientists ; I shall examine in some detail the nature of the assumptions embedded in their practice ; and I shall seek to assess the coherence of the social explanations those assumptions lead them to produce .
4 For example , at the next table at the Exmoor Forest Hotel , he had overheard two people talking to each other , a ‘ very well bred looking old man with a dry peevish voice whom I took to be mentally deranged and a woman who was either his daughter or his nurse ’ .
5 Some gentlemen dressed in grey whom I took to be equerries had organized us so that the royal party had two corridors , flanked by people , to walk down .
6 I began to reckon up the people whom I knew to be prisoners .
7 Why else should I still be yearning after a man whom I knew to be a murderer while shrinking from the innocent Syl whose only crime was that I found him unattractive ?
8 I made use of their terror for my own amusement , and raising my voice still more , I shouted at him whom I assumed to be present , lying invisible in some corner …
9 But to say that I have had an experience of God , whom I claim to be a transcendent being outside myself , can not be self-authenticating .
10 ‘ So my first thought was of a time-space machine ( thanks to H. G. Wells ) in which contemporary characters ( one of whom I wanted to be a 12–13 year old ) would be able to travel forward and backward in time , and inward and outward in space .
11 You 're the only person mixed up in this business whom I believe to be on the level .
12 " I am capable of liking only those whom I consider to be my equals . "
13 It 's just that that just how I I had to be .
14 Well I I prefer to be employed right rather than
15 Well can we get this sor stuff sorted then , because this is gon na go on forever , because I I think to be quite honest it is a lack of communication between two parties
16 Thank you Mr Mayor , erm I I want to be very brief Mr Mayor , that the debate on houses and rent increases has taken place and has been well aired over recent weeks and I do n't have any intention tonight of re-debating those issues .
17 President , I I happen to be going on Saturday to the National Final of the Rotary Young Inventor of the Years ' er convention this
18 Well , I I need to be sure on this .
19 Not that I have to make the same choices as someone I acknowledge to be more discriminating , since my differently constituted palate may react differently , but my own choice will be better informed if I heed nuances which I would have missed if he had not pointed them out .
20 She was calling for someone she knew to be there .
21 It was n't satisfying in terms of sound , though , because you ca n't get any sound , even though you 've got someone you consider to be the best guy out on the desk , but who happens to be three hundred yards away !
22 Well I do n't agree with that , I think that when your in love with someone you want to be with them all the time , you think about them during the day , you think about them at night , you just want to be with them and usually you like how they look , you like how they talk , they like , you like how they treat you and er to me that 's , its wonderful , just
23 When I assault someone it has to be justified .
24 I may have seen many Garter Snakes on sale which I took to be pattern variations on the species most commonly available .
25 A soft pattering followed which I took to be matches falling around the receiver .
26 A woman was driving and she parked beside our land-cruiser , nodding to us briefly as she stepped out onto the road and flung a series of questions at the Indian , half in Spanish and half in a more guttural tongue , which I took to be Quechua .
27 There were dots in some of the distant fields which I assumed to be sheep .
28 However , I would also like to remind him that I wrote in response to a report which I assumed to be factual .
29 As I flew the approach I observed quite a tall tree on the threshold , which I assumed to be the obstruction .
30 And the remaining difference which I estimate to be one thousand five hundred , is really the I think is the difference in the treatment of students .
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