Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] were [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 My free wing hung from the pole for I could not easily close it without terrible pain ; my eyes were fixed on them .
2 I was n't watched closely ; I had opted out of the ( sexual ) competition with my sisters ; and some of my eccentricities were tolerated on the grounds that my presence in the house was only temporary and , in the long run , of little relevance to its essential life .
3 A month later my parents were met on the open plain outside Addis Ababa by Lord Herbert Hervey and a deputation of Abyssinian notables who escorted them to the Legation , at some distance to the east of the town , in an extensive compound at the foot of the Entoto hills .
4 All my efforts were concentrated on keeping up appearances during those two hours of the day when I was with them .
5 Next day their possessions were put on a waggon and taken to Kingsbere .
6 One person stated that the government was unwilling to evaluate itself about how its policies were working on the ground .
7 Their investments were based on their monopolistic position in world markets , their competitive edge in terms of know-how , manufacturing techniques and products , which made investment to capture overseas markets attractive .
8 Party leaders should consider taking the major drug companies into public ownership so that their products were developed on the basis of need rather than profit .
9 He was staring at her , amazed at the reaction her words were having on him ; it was , in a way , as if she were suffering an agony similar to his own .
10 Beyond the windows , tropical trees and shrubs that bore guava , papaw , mangosteen and pomegranate sprouted in profusion from the moist earth of a walled garden , and heaped bowls of fruits picked from their branches were clustered on the altar , along with tiny dishes of spiced meats , fish , lotus seeds , vegetables and porcelain beakers of tea and rice alcohol .
11 Twelve of their heads were impaled on the Charles Bridge pour encourager les autres and remained there for more than a decade .
12 Their heads were impaled on Charles Bridge as a warning to others and their families were sent into exile and their lands given to Ferdinand 's Habsburg supporters , mainly Germans .
13 All their eyes were turned on Rose but she , with just a glance at Moran , took up the Second Mystery as if she had been saying it with them all the nights of their lives .
14 Their eyes were fixed on each other in cold fury , their hands placed on the table , palms down , and they seemed to be waiting — waiting for
15 The last words were spoken almost under her breath but her eyes were fixed on Lessingham 's face .
16 She sat quite still and her eyes were fixed on me with a curious , dark look of sympathy mixed with something else .
17 All through the night her eyes were fixed on the lights of Casterbridge , the end of her journey .
18 Her eyes were fixed on Melissa as if in quest of a miracle .
19 Her eyes were locked on his face , seeing the sensuality in every line as he concentrated on their mutual pleasure .
20 ‘ Loads of kids were coming up to us and complaining that their dads were getting on their backs about their garages being full of paper .
21 Which artistes were appearing on a certain date , that sort of thing .
22 Her feet were resting on a small , aluminium step-ladder .
23 Her feet were resting on a step-ladder .
24 Their ideas were based on what one might describe as ‘ school mathematics ’ — a set of facts and techniques — in which questions have one right answer and prescribed methods of solution .
25 Her sights were set on Africa and the wider horizons she hoped would be possible after her tropical studies .
26 Their applications were refused on the grounds that they did not meet the admission criteria .
27 In later years , for example , attempts were made in 1930 , 1932 , 1936 , 1938 , 1944 , 1948 , 1952 , 1962 and since then , to establish it but the frequency with which resolutions were passed on the subject reveals the intractable nature of the problem . )
28 Were we really so suckered by her beefy dominatrix image that we did n't notice the lameness of the stuff her producers were dumping on her ?
29 Here , let me' As I put it down on the table I saw that her initials were etched on the flap in black .
30 The board said its actions were based on ‘ a wide range of factors including financial results that are below the board 's expectations . ’
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