Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] because [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That was taken out of my hands because of the uncertain future of the club , ’ Barrow added .
2 Boys , more than girls perhaps , face the problem of ‘ street credibility ’ with their contemporaries because of the public 's perception of a church choir .
3 ‘ These people ca n't sell their homes because of the recession , so they ca n't separate and split their assets .
4 There are no exact figures for the numbers of Salvadoreans who have been forced to leave their homes because of the civil war , Some are economic refugees , but the great majority have fled because of the repression .
5 Other countries , especially those in surplus , were facing an inflow of dollars in exchange for their currencies because of the potential capital gains that would accrue to speculators if the dollar was devalued .
6 difficulties in the learning of simple actions , such as learning to brush their teeth or tie their shoes because of a difficulty in imitating .
7 ‘ They probably feel they should sort out their lives because of the risk of war , ’ Maureen said .
8 Even if it is true that policemen require special protection in the course of their duties because of the proactive roles that we expect them to undertake , it does not follow that the person who assaults them without justification should be marked as having committed what is , in reality , an aggravated form of assault .
9 PEOPLE suffering from HIV and Aids have been forced to leave their communities because of a lack of understanding , says a health promotion adviser .
10 STUDENTS hoping to begin degree courses next year face confusion over their applications because of a power struggle between polytechnics and universities , writes Fran Abrams .
11 This Australian woman was admitted to a nursing home by her relatives because of a heart condition , but managed to keep a journal , and organise her life afresh to move out to her own flat , before writing about life on the inside .
12 The cabinet moved into a position of greater power and control unchecked by the legislature , and the Commons was seen as having lost most of its powers because of the informal reality of party in government .
13 Its definition of need means a number of traveller children become eligible for its provisions because of the living conditions imposed on them and their families .
14 ‘ She 's in a terrible state and she wo n't let them give her sedatives because of the baby . ’
15 Theorists may also be more difficult to follow in their arguments because of a current of polemic with which a reader may not be familiar .
16 Most owners of ‘ recycled ’ windmills are also naturally disinclined to reinstate the wooden sail structures of their mills because of the considerable maintenance liability which is imposed by restoration of these complex and highly exposed features .
17 Found in a country sale , jet black and mistaken for pewter , the pot had its detractors because of a later applied cartouche ( which probably covered an erased weak spot ) and an odd screw on , rather than slip on finial .
18 Most outdoor centre owners have picked their venues because of the interesting geographical features of those areas .
19 In most areas , the door would be slammed in their faces because of the housing department 's assumption that owner-occupiers can meet their own housing needs .
20 I mean are you saying Mr in actual fact if we take the reverse of what you what you said that the the M A F F establishment itself would would object to development being within a certain distance of its premises because of the requirements which they have in order to carry on their operations ?
21 Problem drinkers will not change their habits because of a warning label .
22 BLUE Velvet have been forced to cancel some of their gigs because of a lack of new material .
23 Leisure centres close their doors because of a lack of sufficient funds to operate them .
24 MacLachlan successfully obtained through Milton 's aid a delay in a foreclosure by the Royal Bank , and the freeholder hoped to persuade the politician to continue to stand between him and his creditors because of the value of his vote to the Argyll interest , arguing that
25 Although the book will be published in a jurisdiction with literary proceeds legislation , the report indicates that the author may not be deprived of his royalties because of the absence of an identifiable victim .
26 ‘ Thomas Hardy called this island the isle of slingers in his books because of the way we used to defend ourselves with slings and stones .
27 The promising entrepreneur finds it very hard to compete with multinationals , which can always outproduce him and undercut his prices because of the very scale of their operations and capital .
28 The Chief Constable had decided to dispense with his services because of a report made on the probationer constable which led the Chief Constable to believe that he was not fitted to be a member of the police force .
29 These figures range from Azam Khan , ‘ one of the chief nobles of the Empire ’ whose principal claim to fame is his vast harem and his insatiable appetites ( ‘ a pederast , he is also fond of beautiful girls … whenever he is informed of the availability of a lad or a fine wench he endeavours to be the buyer ’ ) ; through Taqi , ‘ one of the famous eunuchs and the ringleader of the conjurors of Hindustan ’ ( ‘ his house is the abode of delicate beauties , some as fair as the dawn while others are as dark as volatile passion ’ ) ; to great musicians such as the blind drummer Shah Nawaz who played his own stomach as if it was a tabla drum ; or the disgusting Surkhi , a glutton who ‘ snored and expectorated loudly ’ but whose horrible habits were overlooked by his hosts because of the unique beauty of his voice ( ‘ as melodious as a nightingale ’ ) , his brilliant mimicry and his ready wit .
30 The police had been sent to arrest Faky Ali Ahmat and his followers because of a land dispute over ownership of the site of the mosque .
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