Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] for [pers pn] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was paying my taxes for you to acquire your skill , I 'll have you know .
2 I put down five hundred on my lists for you to decide .
3 In spite of my appeals for him to make some effort to intervene with the King , who could often attain success with a father bent on violent punishment , Kareem dismissed my cries of alarm with unconcealed irritation and insisted the subject be dropped .
4 In the dark she has to show her teeth for me to know she is smiling .
5 Djohar refused their demands for him to step down , blaming lack of preparedness for the failure of the February ballot .
6 One good look at Ruari 's strained face and Mairi Ban had him on his feet , his arms over their shoulders for them to help him home .
7 My hands got very cold too , but my mother helped me every morning by baking two potatoes in their skins for me to keep in my pockets ; they retained their heat for quite a long time .
8 Catching on to the coat tails of the downsizing rush just in time , CA said that it was surprised by the demands from its users for it to develop migratory and Unix-based applications — a far cry it admits from its traditional stronghold in the mainframe market .
9 It would clearly be in their interests for them to agree to bid £10 an acre for one-half the acreage each .
10 As Les and I walked into their tiny , barely furnished house , his wife greeted us , and his little girl held up her arms for me to lift her .
11 He laughed and ingored her pleas for him to stop .
12 When Victoria found the grit from the paths got into her sandals , Richard removed her shoes and socks and shook all the gravel out of them , folding her socks for her to put them on again in the special way that her nanny did .
13 Therefore , even if he did not have a stammer , there would not be enough breath in his lungs for him to speak his words property .
14 I want to try and stop shouting at you in the morning so I 'm going to put out your clothes for you to get dressed .
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