Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] and [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 to my lips and tests the weight of each word , he
2 She brushes my hair behind my ears and holds the top bit to one side .
3 When I walk on it the whole thing starts to move and I am soon covered in the grey dust I am stirring up ; it fills my nostrils and triggers a memory that links the smell with rock climbing .
4 It is really one of the foundations of any executive power group that it maintains secrecy about its activities and avoids the possibility for its antagonists to subsume that power .
5 In both its policies and practices the CNAA was revealing the promises and the tensions of the system .
6 It has been known for Goblins to get so ambitious that the entire catapult springs from its mounts and hits the Goblin splat in the face , putting paid to the whole device .
7 Robyn glances up from her notes and sweeps the audience with her eyes .
8 A statement which loads and runs the program whose name is specified in the argument .
9 Ben Alder has always seemed as impenetrable to me as a hi-fi magazine , but from up on the ridge it gives away its secrets and reveals a relatively simple ascent from the west up a long , inclining slope .
10 He discusses shortly the history of the island , the visit of M. Thurot of the French navy , superstitions , the wild animals , cattle , the health of the people and their houses and includes a delightful drawing of the interior of a weaver 's cottage .
11 He discusses shortly the history of the island , the visit of M. Thurot of the French navy , superstitions , the wild animals , cattle , the health of the people and their houses and includes a delightful drawing of the interior of a weaver 's cottage .
12 With its knights and cannons the Empire army would soon sweep aside an army based around boar boyz , while Orc artillery and large creatures such as trolls would present excellent targets for cannons and Helblaster volley guns .
13 We shall first raise some questions which seem in need of answers , and then discuss some observations about their characteristics ; in Section 3.8 , we shall propose an account of their intensional structure , and in the remainder of the chapter show how this reflects their characteristics and answers the questions , as well as making possible coverage of some further data .
14 The customer collects high volumes of lower value payments from its clients and recognises the many advantages to be gained from encouraging those clients to pay by direct debits .
15 Where , then , did and do the remainder , the ‘ others ’ fit : — ‘ on the edge ’ ; in some buffer zone between categories ; or in a hybrid form , grappling both to make a space and to find a name : Fibre Art — Who Are you ? ’ talks of this hybrid form as an ‘ undecidable ’ ( Derrida ) , ‘ something that seems to belong to one genre , but overshoots its borders and seems no less at home in another …
16 She averts her eyes and pricks the tear in her tights with one incisive nail .
17 These are Peritas Ltd , the UK 's largest independent training supplier which recently acquired Genus and Protocol ; Workplace Technologies Ltd , which designs and installs the power , air conditioning , fire and security systems for offices and computer rooms ; Consultancy and Technical Services , which provides systems integration , process engineering , network management and consultancy and which includes the CPS cross-industry services unit ; and ICL Secure Systems , formed to design secure network and office systems .
18 When an insect comes near , she straightens out her legs and holds the net above her head and so entraps it .
19 It walks on only five of its legs and holds the sixth out stiffly behind it so that it appears to have a sting projecting from the tip of its abdomen .
20 They say it 's time they were paid for doing a full time job , which dominates their lives and saves the state thirty billion pounds each year …
21 No one can be quite I happy in an ill-planned house any more than in ill-fitting clothes , and although the ‘ cut' ’ and ‘ ‘ style , ’ are much , they count for nothing in a garment which pinches and annoys the wearer in a hundred ways …
22 There she suspends herself by her feet and takes a well-earned rest , having done her best to ensure that her single babe , in spite of everything , has received its proper milk-ration .
23 Traidcraft , which imports and sells a range of goods from developing countries , is to publish a report evaluating the impact of the company 's activities against non-financial criteria .
24 If the players are unsure whether something will work , he is able to listen , dissects their concerns and adjusts the style accordingly . ’
25 Ari star-fish stretches out her limbs and feels the water begin to invade her body .
26 In spite of its troubles and struggles the Club was now well known and liked .
27 JOHN HATT photographs its sights and offers a comprehensive , crowd-avoiding guide to the palace , town and surrounding châteaux
28 The sixth principle , that ‘ personal data held for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes ’ , follows from its predecessors and places a heavy responsibility on data users to ensure that they regularly weed out data once it has served its purpose .
29 You 'd better keep this absolutely hush-hush , you understand , or it 'll all be winging its way across the Atlantic , whilst the London Library replaces its carpets and installs a coffee machine and Cropper sends us another of his nice helpful smiley-regretful Faxes , offering access to the Stant Collection and every possible assistance with microfilm .
30 The exhibition is organised by the Interface Group , a multi-hundred-million-dollar organisation , which leases and manages the Sands Expo and Convention centre in Las Vegas .
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