Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [vb mod] have [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Pentecost is at hand and my knights should have their new robes .
2 Oh I did n't send it , no , I presumed my er , my managers would have it 's a , it 's a specifically to do with appraisals , erm , persuading to think I 'm entitled to five hundred pound a day , or some something like that .
3 If the law had been a bit tougher in the beginning just maybe it would n't have happened , maybe I 'd have my husband here , maybe my children would have their father with them .
4 My children would have their father . ’
5 The motives of public men are rarely as base or as quixotic as their enemies would have us believe ; and no portrait of MacDonald is complete which depicts him as the ambitious , fawning courtier of Labour mythology or the martyred patriot of his own invention .
6 It aids digestion , prevents obesity , soothes the spirit and quickens the mind — or so its addicts would have you believe .
7 Telecommunication standards significantly affect the ability of manufacturers and operators to access the telecommunication/information market , the size of the market and determine the extent to which users can have their needs met .
8 Clearly , despite their terribly twee name , pudding-bowl haircuts and crap clothes , they are not the washed-up jangle group their detractors would have you believe .
9 In the Diaspora , our Jewish people have been inclined to sit back and think that the battle has been won and that in a little while we Jews will have our National Home in our Promised Land .
10 RINGO Starr is going back on the road , but unlike his fellow former Beatle , George Harrison , his performances will have nothing to do with Transcendental Meditation , writes James Delingpole , Arts Correspondent .
11 He and his friends would have me scoffed and hounded out of the county rather than see my house completed .
12 THE Premier and his Ministers will have their pay frozen from April as part of the Government 's austerity drive .
13 Our readers may have their own views on whom to believe about that .
14 For your lips can have their smile , and your flute ,
15 A mass of evidence follows , most of it from sound medical sources , that the medical profession has become hopelessly hooked on prescription drugs ; that the drugs are neither so effective nor so safe as our doctors would have us believe ; and that the public and the profession is being remorselessly taken for a ride by the pharmaceutical industry .
16 You could get a new player , someone could retire , or one of your players could have his skill increased/decreased .
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