Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [coord] [vb base] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Basically they are simple — you obey my wishes and prevent me being too overworked — ’
2 ‘ I 'm afraid I have to grit my teeth and say I 'm closer to Gyles and Jeffrey . ’
3 ‘ Just take these other duties off my shoulders and give me a day a week for the next year to attend a decent training course so that I can master it , and I 'm yours . ’
4 Well , cut off my legs and call me Shorty , it 's you guvnor . ’
5 ‘ The fear that I could be had begun to haunt my days and keep me awake at nights , and , although I knew Simon was the wrong person to take into my confidence , he was familiar and he was there .
6 All my days and hope I finish it here .
7 Either you accept my terms and face me in combat , or I will leave you here with your weapons … and two corpses ! ’
8 At least I had the money , painfully scraped together with a view to eventually taking a PGCE-TEFL course to upgrade my qualifications and enable me to escape from Clive 's power .
9 Her eyes closed , she turned her face away , released her hold on my cheekbones and let me go on into the hall .
10 It is impossible to meet every person 's expectations and my hope is that you will forgive my mistakes and keep me in your thoughts and prayers .
11 They 'll take one look at my clothes and know I 'm as poor as a church mouse . ’
12 ‘ I will be holding surgeries at Netherton Park Community Centre so people can air their views and tell me if there is a problem , ’ he said .
13 There is no genie to snap its fingers and whiplash me out of this world I am living in .
14 Let me tell you , when those dubbin-lickers at Whaddon go on their knees and beg me to bring my United first team squad to ‘ The Tip ’ to put a few quid in their ailing coffers , I shall take great delight in treading on Ken Mentle 's fingers , provided he survives last week 's heart attack , and raising two toes in a defiant ‘ get lost ’ gesture .
15 If the military really believes in the justification of its exclusive stance , then let it stick to its guns and prosecute me for my actions .
16 Can you give me their names and tell me where I might find them ? ’
17 Fray give my respects to their Excellencies and remember me kindly to all … ’
18 ‘ Well , are you going to ask me questions or do I just start off ? ’
19 He used to swing me up onto his shoulders and carry me round … ’
20 falling down his trousers and make me laugh and shout , I 'll always feel so happy when the comes about ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , ha , the funny circus clown
21 ‘ All I want is for him to come here , take Jennifer in his arms and face me .
22 Only in the evenings did I spend some time with Mr Rochester , and I was careful not to allow him to hold me in his arms or kiss me .
23 Well , it would be kinda fun to suck your fingers and take me a mouth-walk on the planet of your palms …
24 Erm the bonus element of the Pearson scheme is highly leveraged we are very keen to achieve above-average performance for our shareholders and let me give you an example , if in nineteen ninety erm Pearsons as a company achieved say five percent growth in earnings per share erm the directors ' remuneration , and by the way that 's not a forecast so I want to make that absolutely clear , it 's just an illustration if earnings per share increase by five percent and you could say , er , therefore we would expect directors ' remuneration to be perhaps increased by five percent that would n't be the case at all our directors ' salaries would actually halve erm , Ill say that again , directors ' total take home pay would halve because the salary element would n't , would n't alter .
25 ‘ You 're supposed to roll your eyes and assure me that I just had the low-cal , spun-out-of-air version of — whatever all that incredible stuff was . ’
26 It urged skins to ‘ I want all you skinheads to get up on your feet , put your braces together and your boots on your feet and give me some of that oooold moooonstompin ! ’ but it was a crude attempt to satisfy the skinhead market .
27 Throw away your weapons and face me in combat , and I will release these two .
28 I enclose the sheet of classes in Scotland as last known — could you please check the details of all your classes and let me know as soon as possible if there are any alterations or additional details available .
29 forget all your principles and marry me because er she is an animal .
30 Go and pack your things and leave me to go and book your seats . ’
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