Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] back " in BNC.

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1 I closed my eyes and thought back .
2 I got to my feet and walked back into the apartment .
3 I put my hands in my pockets and leant back against the wall .
4 I replaced my blankets and went back to sleep .
5 I caught it with the catapult , the thick black tubing of the rubber twisting once in the air as I scissored my hands and fell back , letting the buck go over my head and then kicking with my legs and turning myself so that I was level with it where it lay , kicking and struggling with the power of a wolverine , spreadeagled on the sand slope with its neck caught in the black rubber .
6 From this point , Witney took the bit between their teeth and fought back in search of an equaliser .
7 In order to help people like Jeff Lockyer , the Oxfordshire money advice project has set up a Debtline which offers people advice on how to control their debts and pay back at a pace they can afford .
8 He froze as they dropped their sticks and ran back .
9 With a regretful sigh he removed his arm from its protective place around her shoulders and stepped back .
10 He removed his arm from her shoulders and leaned back against the wall , his gaze still on the fair-haired young girl who sat on the bicycle , ready to move off , the wind blowing her skirt and hair .
11 And now would be a good time to talk to him , she decided , as she pulled on her pyjamas and brushed back her hair .
12 They turned on their heels and started back the way they 'd come .
13 Vincent looked towards Lily , who raised her eyes and looked back at him sadly .
14 Staring down at the girl , Pascoe saw in her the Martha he had known as a lad — the Martha he had loved and lost ; and while he stared , she opened her eyes and looked back up at him from the stinking bed of straw , and for a moment he felt a little stirring of fear .
15 Alyssia closed her eyes and flung back her head , savouring his passion .
16 ‘ What is it , Danny ? ’ she asked , flicking the water from her eyes and smoothing back her hair , only too aware as she did so of David 's eyes on her , admiring her figure , her small , high breasts , her long , coltish limbs .
17 I do n't understand any of this , ’ and Dierdriu closed her eyes and leaned back , so that Fergus suddenly thought : after all , she is no longer young .
18 The girl shut her eyes and gripped back for dear life .
19 Earlier this year , in May , they voted for change , but when Noriega disavowed the election result the mass of the people shrugged their shoulders and went back to work .
20 She spun on her heels and walked back to where Bernard was sitting .
21 She pushed the tray off her knees and lay back on the pillow .
22 The small voice inside her , urging her to cut her losses and go back to England , leaving the residents at the Château La Tour Monchauzet to stew in their own rancour , was being overwhelmed by a furious determination to vindicate her mother 's memory at all costs .
23 Unless she cut her losses and went back to England .
24 risking their lives and coming back with the whole lot that he collected and brought back again .
25 She had drifted unhappily around the estate , dragging her feet and shrinking back from the noisy pack of children which romped around the gardens .
26 He ran his fingers through her curls and stepped back to admire his handiwork .
27 Then she put her hands on her hips and threw back her head .
28 The days of mad spending are gone and exhibitors are looking to cover their costs and pay back the bank as soon as possible .
29 They required the most sophisticated communications technology so that they could transmit their stories and pictures back to their own countries .
30 After an hour the sun clouded over , so they picked up their things and started back towards the fence where they had left their bicycles .
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