Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] [verb] into [pron] " in BNC.

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31 She was covering him with kisses , her nails digging into his back .
32 Her nails bit into her palms as she hurled all her anger and bitter hurt at him .
33 Her nails bit into her palms but she felt no pain .
34 This is why comic picture-postcards of the time show people at the seaside , paddling in the sea with their trouser-legs rolled up to the knee , or little girls with their dresses tucked into their knickers .
35 Images from her dreams charged into her consciousness suddenly and curtained her away from reality .
36 As the train drew into Bodmin , Alexandra found herself clasping her own hands so tightly she could feel the seams of her gloves grinding into her flesh and wished , passionately for the visit to be a success , for them to like her house , approve of what she had done — and above all , to leave her alone to do it .
37 And men were always resentful about their wives getting into anything .
38 Feeling like a player on a stage , disconnected with reality , she took a step towards him , her fingernails digging into her palms , a sick ache in her stomach .
39 Her fingernails sank into her palms .
40 It looked perfectly human , dressed in a grey , well-cut suit and black tie , its collar turned up against the cold , its hands thrust into its pockets .
41 If a Simulium black fly is infected with nematode worms , their larvae migrate into its muscles , then into its salivary glands , and finally , when it feeds from a host , pass out of its mouthparts or burst out through them and into the mammal host .
42 She stared very hard at the dark face above her , her hands pushed into her pockets to hide their idiotic trembling .
43 Walking slowly home , her hands pushed into her jacket pockets , Hilary smiled to herself .
44 Her hands grew into him , and tore like crabs at what was left of his dreamself .
45 Only hummingbirds with curved bills can drink from them and their beaks fit into them as accurately as a curved dagger sliding into its scabbard .
46 Camp is a response to pop performances that are artificial , ludicrously stylized ( Liberace , Tom Jones , Shirley Bassey ) , but whose stars enter into it all with a seriousness , a passion that affects with its holy , innocent imbecility .
47 His fingers bit into her flesh .
48 ‘ Come and dance with me , ’ he said , and his fingers cut into her tender flesh as he grasped her arm .
49 He caught her arm in mid-air , a deceptively lazy reflex action , his fingers biting into her forearm .
50 ‘ You 'll what ? ’ rasped Lucenzo , his fingers biting into her arms .
51 She started past him , but he caught her arm , his fingers biting into her flesh through the fine fabric .
52 He seized her by the shoulders , his fingers biting into her flesh .
53 They swam then , and Damian made love to her in the hot sea , stripping her as they floated together , wrapping their bodies around each other in unreasoning desire , kissing saltily as their hoarse cries filled the air and they nearly sank like stones as Damian went rigid with pleasure , his fingers biting into her nude body in the warm water .
54 She felt his fingers digging into her shoulders , relaxing slightly and then gripping more strongly so that she could n't move .
55 His teeth bit into her shoulder but she only came closer and he made a low , frustrated sound deep in his throat , tilting her face and staring at her with eyes filled with burning darkness .
56 His face tightened , his teeth bit into his lower lip .
57 His teeth ground into his lower lip .
58 His words knifed into her .
59 His spine was saved but his knees punched into his chest and he pitched over sideways , scraping his elbow and knocking his head as he rolled on to his shoulder .
60 His eyes poured into her .
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