Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Reaching to steady the ashtray , I spilt the coffee , and also hooked my elbow in the telephone 's lone dreadlock — so that when , with a final heroic convulsion , I burst out of the bed , the swinging casket somehow smashed into my shin and then dropped like a bomb on to the bare mound of my foot Twenty minutes later , by which time the pain had done its worst , I unpeeled my way through the sodden address book .
2 He 's yet to score for Swindon and its rumoured his future with the club looks shaky .
3 The principal charges against her concerned her participation in the 1977 murder of a banker , Jürgen Ponto , and in the 1979 attempted murder of Gen. Alexander Haig , then NATO Commander-in-Chief .
4 Neil adds that they 've collected money for charity up and down the mountains and its restored his faith in human nature
5 We 'll knock them oan their knees by Christmas … the hale jing bang o' thae Proosians . ’
6 ‘ When Florence Nightingale said bluntly that if you overcrowded your soldiers in dirty quarters there would be an outbreak of smallpox , she was snubbed as an ignorant female who did not know that smallpox can be produced only by the importation of its specific microbe , ’ Shaw remarks .
7 No way he , Zitney Trench could tell her , Claudettina Wolveridge , née Schlitz , the way he felt when she half-closed her eyes at him , or reached up to take a box-file down from the section marked ‘ Insolvency ’ .
8 Beckett , who fine-toned his philosophy of life to its very essentials , not surprisingly remained a Guinness drinker to the end .
9 ‘ I take it you have between you concerted your schemes for my future ? ’
10 To do this she unwrapped her legs from each other , bent her right knee briefly and peered into the empty glass .
11 She half-hooded her eyes as the room shifted on its moorings .
12 So you you bandy her name about .
13 They half-carried her back to Greg 's flat which was a couple of streets away .
14 The Prior had opened his mouth to state that , in his opinion , Robert of Gloucester was unlikely to throw casually aside his loyalty to his half-sister , no matter what councils he might have attended , but this statement made him close his lips on the words .
15 On the street he unseamed his package in a ferment of grew fluff .
16 ‘ Or was it just your way of halting a situation that was getting out of control ? ’
17 COR , WHAT A THIGHFUL : Fergie stretches out on her sun lounger and gives the world a look at what just what kind of shape she 's in
18 DIPLOMACY prevents our revealing which member of the happily returned Durham cricket touring party was accosted near the team hotel in Harare by a lady of the Zimbabwean night .
19 ‘ They came out to our meetings to help us , to encourage us , and they helped us present our case to the Government .
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