Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The beauty and interesting nature of this little bird ’ , Gould wrote , ‘ naturally made me anxious to bring home living examples ; I accordingly captured about twenty fully fledged birds , and kept them alive for some time ; but the difficulties necessarily attendant upon travelling in a new country rendering it impracticable to afford them the attention they required , I regret to say the whole were lost . ’
2 Management as a process appears to be understood as being about taking decisions which will be more likely to be unpopular than those taken by lower ranks , i.e. , middle managers , whose task it is to mediate higher decisions by making them palatable in some way .
3 Unfortunately the major forage grass species have complex life-cycles which make them unsuitable for some experiments .
4 In the example just given , if the Maoris remained away without exercising their rights continuously for one generation , their claims would not be materially affected , but absence for two generations would seriously weaken the claims and render them subject to some recognition by the tribe ; they would not entirely cease until after an absence of three generations …
5 Rejected by the priesthood , he found himself unfitted in some way for normal life .
6 Where a child 's mental condition renders her competent on some days but irrational on others she will lack the ability to make an informed decision ( Re R ( a Minor ) ( Wardship : Medical Treatment ) ( 1991 ) The Times , 31 July ) .
7 The words were insignificant , but there was something in his tone that made her happy for some reason .
8 Throughout his career there have been calls on Prince by both the US and UK critical establishment to be a better role model , to make himself accountable to some kind of community , to address himself explicitly to the problems of the day .
9 ‘ Are you ill in some way ? ’
10 You drop-tune for some songs
11 Are you ready for some coffee ? ’
12 The experience was enough to keep him preoccupied for some time .
13 As I said Tillo ran him ragged at some stages in the game .
14 I am often asked how , with Biros vanishing as often as they do , is it possible for some writers to get so much down on paper in a single lifetime ?
15 We marvelled again at the scenery of West Spitsbergen , its sharply tipped mountains of dark rock , the glacier-filled valleys between and the tiny strips of life-giving vegetation which made it possible for some birds and animals to exist .
16 If the DUP 's criticisms of ‘ gangsterism ’ have made it unpopular with some sections of the working-class Protestant population , its view on the sabbath and alcohol consumption have further widened the divisions and it is to this sort of issue which I now want to turn .
17 ‘ Was n't he involved in some sort of scandal a few years ago ? ’
18 Birkdale does n't need a lot of wind to make it tough like some links courses .
19 Or leave it open for some questions if you want to test a ps specific thing in another question then try and test that .
20 " Oh , I daresay I can make myself useful in some way , " " replied the mouse .
21 Teachers ' centres also make themselves responsible in some areas for the servicing of school equipment , the provision of an exhibition collection of equipment and materials , and in some cases even for equipment loans .
22 they 'd leave themselves open to some criticism erm because the beneficiaries of whoever otherwise may be entitled to the shares may have said I would like to have those shares .
23 But Porterfield stressed : ‘ Kevin has done very well for us since coming into the side and has made important saves to keep us alive in some games . ’
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