Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [prep] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Your veterinary surgeon will put your mind at rest if you ware worried , but invariably a spooky horse has nothing wrong with him at all !
2 ‘ He was always nice — there was nothing untoward about him in any way , ’ says David Sim .
3 The way he was touching her and the expression in his eyes made her optimistic as she click-clacked beside him on her high heels .
4 There must have been something wrong with him in his head .
5 The abrupt challenge was distracted because she was struggling to contend with an unexpectedly physical reaction to finding herself alone with him in such a confined space .
6 Roman frowned and she knew he was angry at her manoeuvre , but he was far too fond of holding her close to him on any excuse , and she was finding his touch more and more disturbing .
7 While the politics of the time may have been sterile , it does appear to have had more than its share of colourful characters ; bogus radicals like A.P.T.James and Chanka Maharaj ; the legendary and fabulously wealthy Bhadase Maraj , who was an American-style ward boss ; Norman Tang , whose mastery of the ‘ art ’ of inscrutability made it possible for him to ‘ develop the reputation of being the only minister never accused by the Civil Service of political interference ’ .
8 This immobility also makes it essential for him to be on good terms with his neighbours , as they are likely to be there , for better or worse , for most of his life .
9 Nor is it necessary for him to be serious , at least about Parliament , provided that he is reasonably well-to-do .
10 ‘ Exercise is good for it , ’ he said , the familiarity of the Butts lost in the fog and making it necessary for him to still proceed carefully .
11 Never again , except in the nostalgic hopefulness of a few — would the ceremonies be performed ; gone were the offerings , the blood-shedding , the fire and incense , the gorgeous ( and the plain ) robes , and the rest of the sacred imagery which ‘ fenced-off ’ God 's otherness from the people — and brought them close to him in awe and penitence .
12 He picked me up , and held me close to him like a baby .
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