Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun] for a " in BNC.

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1 I sucked on my hollow reed for a while , staring up at the sky .
2 Reason should have told me that instant acceptance was too much to ask , but I was overwhelmed by my emotional need for an endorsement , however small , of my situation .
3 My wife had determined that I must swop my old bike for a car after I told her of an encounter with an old pupil of mine as I was toiling up the hill by the power station in Haughton Road , Darlington .
4 The magazine will just have to lurch along snuggled up to me and my ageing haemorrhoids for a few weeks .
5 My first-ever story for a national magazine was about another of my seminal Ali experiences — a sparring session I 'd had with the Champ in 1975 , when , because of his influence , I was trying to make a living as a kickboxer .
6 Oh really I ought to take my little boy for a walk
7 Oh , oh , well we 'd better go then , but we 'll come back next year because that was good I said no I 'm sorry you wo n't actually I 'm going I 've done my little bit for a while , no one else .
8 In September 1938 , when I was sixteen , I went back to my native country for a holiday ; partly because 1 wanted to see my friends in štanjel , and partly so that I could visit my uncles , aunts and cousins on my mother 's side of the family in Mavhinje .
9 With all my good wishes for a merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year .
10 Been my major struggle for a long time now .
11 I told him the history of the charts , my initial idea for a peephole of some sort .
12 I promised Claudia that my desperate need for a child was a magical , elemental desire , a sunny , smiling commitment to placing myself in time , a responsible appreciation of the ultimate inevitable selflessness of being alive , and acknowledgement of my need to escape a sorry hedonism , a way to face up to the past and accept the future .
13 The negotiations in my flat were largely conducted on the basis that the doctor delegates met in my dining-room , with Barbara and her colleagues — usually David Owen , Patrick Nairne and young Mr Straw — in my sitting-room , and I would occasionally take one or more from each delegation into my small study for a private talk .
14 My other idea for a healthy Ireland , an Irish king , had been proved yet another alien English notion , for pre-Ascendancy Ireland boasted not one but many kings .
15 If I may put on my nationalistic hat for a moment , one issue which concerns us greatly in Wales is the disproportionate cut in regular and volunteer troops .
16 Leaving aside the occasional inept vinyl-to-CD transfer or wilfully bizarre remix , digital sound and I co-exist quite happily ; my main reason for a return to the vinyl frontier is a hankering to hear certain pieces of music from my retired record collection .
17 Such left-wing gaucherie has made them easy meat for a largely right-wing press anxious to show that extreme political dogma is a left-wing monopoly and determined to deny the left the social concern and humanity that lies behind some of the left-wing philosophy .
18 To grant these rights and judicial privileges to corporations ( and other organizations ) is simply to give them additional resources for a judicial battle in which many , particularly the transnationals , are already more than a fair match for national state regulatory agencies .
19 THE Welsh Office has come under attack for refusing to hold a public meeting into their controversial choice for a bypass around an Anglesey village .
20 Denmark has traded its Scandinavian independence for an ability to trade within the EC and should do well for innovative designs ;
21 I 'M normally very cautious about participating in moral crusades , especially when they are orchestrated by newspapers in their eternal quest for a good story that will run and run .
22 Top Texas exiles The Rolling Stones parked up their private jet for a hands across the water-style ambassadorial piss-stop at Davy Crockett 's old gaff The Alamo on their '75 US tour .
23 THE Government has ruled out any major changes in its controversial plans for a pollution agency for Scotland .
24 3DO Inc , the San Mateo , California start-up that revealed its licensable standard for a multimedia system of the future last month and has specified the Advanced RISC Machines Ltd RISC as the core of the Interactive Multiplayer ( CI No 2,082 ) , wants to capitalise on the excitement generated by making an initial public offering of about 2.5m shares at between $10 and $12 a time to raise $30m or so ; 3DO and its chief executive , Trip Hawkins , have already raised some $20m from from partners including Matsushita Electric Industrial Co , its MCA Inc , Time Warner Inc , AT&T Co , Electronic Arts Inc and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. 3DO has signed Morgan Stanley & Co , but the prospectus is not out .
25 It is not surprising that Moscow has pronounced its strong support for a nuclear-free Southeast Asia .
26 He has been involved with the organisation for 30 years and has been its regional head for a decade .
27 He was also largely responsible for rewriting Davis 's Handbook of Chemical Engineering in its two-volume format for a second edition .
28 We watched its sedate progress for a while before turning into Grønfjorden and anchoring off Barentsburg .
29 Love and pride shone from her enormous black eyes as , ever tender , she lifted her grandson and held him against her grubby sweater for a long moment before returning him to his crib .
30 The latter is the case when antibiotics are taken which affect the natural balance of healthy organisms in the gut and thereby reduce its digestive capability for a while .
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