Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun pl] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On 24 June she wrote her final thank you to the architect , asking him to accept a signed photograph of herself ‘ in remembrance of the trouble you have taken concerning my beautiful Dolls ' House ’ .
2 I am aware that the Institute is making efforts to bring about change , but I can not but help feel that my and my fellow graduates ' achievement is somewhat devalued by the continued willingness of the Institute to adopt almost as many new members as it can .
3 How can I safely protect my young children 's skin from the sun when on holiday ?
4 In my paternal grandparents ' house , things were ordered differently .
5 I was especially fond of my maternal grandparents ' dog , Luath , an exquisitely patient collie with whom I would sit for hours , pretending or half-pretending that we could read one another 's thoughts .
6 I did go down to my local Citizens ' Advice Bureau to see if they had any ideas , but all they could do was pass on the news that there was a squeeze on the social fund ( the emergency payments fund ) , so I was well advised not to expect too much if I did decide to try the social security people .
7 RANGERS will play their European Champions ' Cup tie with CSKA Moscow at Santander in northern Spain on December 9 .
8 Aberdeen 's bid to stage a re-run of their European Cup-Winners ' Cup Final win against Real Madrid has failed because the Spanish club priced themselves out the market .
9 Her Working Women 's College opened in Queen Square , Bloomsbury , in 1864 , offering tuition in a wide range of subjects at very low fees .
10 Inspired by their octogenarian leaders ' nostalgia , fashion designers are promising a return to the austere clothing of the 1950s , now hailed as the high-water mark of the revolutionary tradition of ‘ bitter struggle and hard living ’ .
11 Through an explosive expansion , especially in southern Spain , of its rural labourers ' section , the FNTT ( National Landworkers Federation ) , the UGT was suddenly transformed from an organization consisting primarily of skilled urban workers into one decisively influenced by the worst-off members of the agricultural labour force .
12 Far from experiencing simple gratitude , such children will most likely feel terribly torn and anxious when faced with their foster parents ' offer of affection .
13 At a time when the company was obliged to draw on its total shareholders ' equity to pay its ( reduced ) dividend , the installation of a new mainframe computer system linked to New York ( and horribly slow to use according to London experts ) accounted for a sizeable percentage of last year 's $7 million auction operating costs .
14 Bawden lived in that house for 30 years , and no one who went there could forget its atmosphere , partly created by its English artists ' eccentricity of decor .
15 The familiarity of their London setting accounted , perhaps , both for their easy assimilation into the literary world and for their contemporary readers ' lack of genuine interest in the more esoteric themes they raise .
16 Cinewomen in Norwich began their annual women 's film festival : in independent cinemas and community centres , projects like Women 's Media Resource Project established regular slots for exhibiting women 's work in both film and video .
17 This was actually recognized in the poor Law which limited women 's liability to support their parents to unmarried women , thus reinforcing the idea that a married women 's economic position is complete dependence upon her husband .
18 Many of the team 's functions are carried out through its individual members ' work , either in the performance of their county roles ( for example as Inspector or PAL:YPE ) or in their roles as link persons .
19 For example , in both West Germany and Britain in the 1980s conservative governments attempted to ‘ catch up ’ on introducing new technologies and new media as an antidote — as they saw it — to their socialist predecessors ' delaying tactics .
20 Parents may understandably often try to deny the reality of their black children 's unhappiness because they like to think that their children are secure and happy , thus reflecting their success as adopters .
21 A GANG of football fans burned down their arch rivals ' ground after watching their team lose , a court was told yesterday .
22 There was considerable confusion as to whether the relief of widows was to be considered independently of either their late husbands ' failure to provide for them , or of the needs of their children .
23 Pupils ' gift : Pupils at Grangefield School , Stockton presented North Tees General Hospital in Stockton , with a £10,000 cheque for closed circuit TV as part of their Safe Babies ' Appeal .
24 Two organisations which we visited further emphasised the " non-regularity " of their temporary workers ' employment by not guaranteeing them any fixed number of hours per week — they were contracted to work " as and when required " — and this , of course , provided them with an important , additional source of flexibility .
25 Their military advisors ' group consists , we believe , of 300 and the emphasis is on ‘ advisory ’ .
26 Indeed , this sexual labelling had less to do with actual sexual practices than with the extent to which young women 's behaviour conformed to the popular ideas of ‘ femininity ’ — for instance by the use of swear words or loud behaviour , ( this is more fully discussed in Sue Lees , 1986 ) .
27 Merehurst Fairfax launched its new children 's imprint Swallow .
28 Tivoli is calling its new programmers ' toolkit the Advanced Development Environment ( ADE ) .
29 Wendy , who is also a keep fit specialist , is overwhelmed by her new pupils ' enthusiasm and thrilled at the progress they have made in a short time .
30 How BBC picked their new kids ' show star
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