Example sentences of "[pron] [art] time [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Swinging himself into the saddle , Guy turned Chalon 's head towards Winchester and began to consider the various means whereby he could ensure that Isabel belonged to him while he was giving her the time she needed .
32 and they make sure they every time they do something like this there pension 's on the line , there job 's on the line
33 Fernando had beaten her every time they played so a practice session on her own might be a good idea .
34 When Rachel had recovered from the customary burst of rage which Damian Flint so effortlessly produced in her every time she saw him , she went out on to the terrace , putting on a brave smile for her father .
35 ‘ Should I really ? ’ she said , looking at the wine glass doubtfully , speaking as much to dispel the strange feeling that was coming over her every time she looked at him as to reassure herself over the wine .
36 It would be foolish and unseemly as well as counter-productive for the Prime Minister to enter into an undignified slanging match with him every time he does so .
37 He said : ‘ Faldo has the heat on him every time he goes out there and that is the hardest part of the game .
38 Det Sgt Stimpson said : ‘ She searches him every time he comes home or goes out , and she keeps his bedroom bare of the usual toys and clutter so that she can see at a glance whether he has hidden any stolen property . ’
39 Coincidentally a few days later reporters of the tabloid press began to gather outside his flat , questioning him every time he entered or left .
40 I end up feeling sorry for him every time I watch it
41 He must seek the advice of the wisest money-brokers and buy a pension scheme if he be self-employed ; he must see to it that he does not over-extend himself on the mortgage front ; he must run a motor car that does n't drink petrol like tapwater and wo n't break him every time it needs a service from a franchised dealer ; above all , he must abstain from vicious pleasures — or if he needs must indulge , then he must do so only in moderation .
42 Hurriedly she forced herself to pay attention , surreptitiously edging away from him so that her arm no longer brushed against his every time he moved .
43 soon as everybody down found out , they go like that , ‘ Oh , come on then ’ , you know , started saying it every time they see me , you know .
44 My stomach felt as if a huge wheel lurched and turned inside it every time she moved .
45 I get it , I get it every time I come into one of these but I I hope that I 've got it in got them in formation .
46 He says it every time I fall asleep on settee .
47 I get it every time I go swimming
48 I shall think of it every time I pass it .
49 I could relive it every time I came in through the front door .
50 Oh why is it every time I sit somewhere he 's always got to sit somewhere near me .
51 I read it every time I wanted to think of home — the tears used to come to my eyes . ’
52 ‘ I 'll say it every time I see you contributing to the Slips ’ Benevolent Fund . ’
53 ‘ I was doing a lay-out of a woman in a mink coat and I 'm trying to get the flesh tones right and I 'm asking myself : hey , how is it every time I do this it comes out wrong ?
54 It 's great fun using a calculator when it 's a new toy but when you 've got to use it every time you need to work something out ,
55 Erm but like , ideally , I said oh yes we can have it in the spare room , well there was that much rubbish in there clothes and God knows what else I ended up having it on our bed well it every time you wanted it you had pull it out , and they 're bloody heavy !
56 So if your virus scanner was set to check once a day it would not run it every time you boot up , only the first time you booted up that day , excellent !
57 Regarding the Marshall , I criticised the fact that you could n't set it up in a rack with , say , a radio system and leave it rigged , because you 'd have to unplug it every time you used it .
58 To protect your bike , always lock it every time you leave it , even if it 's only for a few minutes .
59 He passes through it every time he rides to the old earth fort on the crest .
60 On his right , Doyle 's pale blue eyes were steady under the black hair , his face doubly familiar and hated because Tug saw something very like it every time he looked into the mirror .
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