Example sentences of "[pron] [num ord] [noun sg] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My first week our there I did that and I did n't earn anything .
2 But when it got to my last week I just thought stuff it , I 'm going to give it my best shot .
3 As all these , including buddleia , flower in their second year they soon supply more seeds to the young sward .
4 Most people find the environment of the laboratory unusual , and on their first night they typically take longer to get to sleep than is usual .
5 Some six months after her First Communion she still felt very holy and full of Grace and ever aware of her Guardian Angel .
6 Sir Karl Popper , a kind and gentle thinker and whose 80th birthday we recently celebrated , has expressed this notion time and time again , and other scientists heartily endorse it .
7 He says : ‘ When he was Chancellor Nigel Lawson made mistakes in his last Budget which eventually cost him the job .
8 Let us try as our next example something more difficult like
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