Example sentences of "[pron] [Wh det] would [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the end he gave up trying to analyse his own feelings , or even totally understand them , and lay there relaxed , listening for the slow , regular breathing of sleep , and was n't sure if he detected it or not — The door opened briefly at one point and a young man 's voice said " Shit , " but Graham did n't even turn to look ; he knew it could be nothing which would disturb them .
2 He commented that she was too cunning to allow him to see anything himself which would justify her certification , but in fact she was removed to the asylum a month later .
3 Then came the thought that Mrs Maybury had something vital to tell her , something which would help her to find Elaine — or Lilian ; it was difficult not to think of her as Elaine .
4 Notice also that the choice the speaker made was the one which would make his Creole seem maximally different from LE : i.e. , would reinforce the stereotype of Creole as a different system .
5 ‘ I could tell you tales about that one which would make your hair curl , ’ Natasha whispered to Maggie in a conspiratorial tone , and winked .
6 Speaking to people nicely may well have been William Charles 's greatest worldly asset , one which would enable him to make a living in the great metropolis , for all his lack of more specific skills .
7 How far these two constructions — the adjective with the verb and the adverb with the verb — should be considered in company with constructions such as : ( 15 ) Heidi saw the stork falter ( 16 ) kiss her goodbye ! is an interesting question , but one which would take us well beyond the bounds of the adjectival study on which we are focusing here . )
8 And she 'd just had an idea , one which would get them all moving .
9 While Sien sat to him , a pathetic drooping invalid who wanted to please him , who actually asked him to tell her what would please him , he probed her , observed her , dissected her painlessly , as the masters of literature had done with women , subtly and beautifully revealing their characters .
10 For the simple reason that you wo n't go to bed till late in the morning or whatever which would knock you back .
11 He must also take such steps as are necessary for protecting any property of the estate but is not under an obligation to do anything which would involve him in expense ( s 287(3) ) .
12 But in front of the other pupils Mother Francis had made an iron-hard rule that Eve must never be seen to do anything which would give her a different status .
13 I think this is clearly Miller 's main use for the character of Alfieri and he tries to make this more realistic by making Alfieri a lawyer though I do not think that this is done very well as Alfieri does not say anything which would justify him being a lawyer as all Eddie asks him are things he would have asked anyone though perhaps he asked him because he was a ‘ lawyer ’ and he respected this and knew he would get confidentiality .
14 Wondering who had wrote it , Katherine turned the letter over in her hands , and then held it up to the light , looking for a watermark — anything which would indicate its origin .
15 in relation to section 268 said , at p. 177c ‘ the jurisdiction is a most useful one , and I certainly do not wish to say , and it is unnecessary to say , anything which would limit its scope . ’
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