Example sentences of "[pron] [Wh det] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Have I discovered there are past hurts within me which still have a dominant role in the way I cope with conflict today ?
2 The candidate elected fifth , McKay , was again Unionist , and the runner-up , Murray , again SDLP with a difference between them which well exceeded the number of non-transferable votes .
3 It was the flood itself which often ensured the rich grazing .
4 She appeared to have sufficient buoyancy forward to lift her over the next wave instead of burying the foredeck , something which normally prefaces a broach .
5 For Assiter , fantasy is not just a harmless and essentially solitary activity in which everyone engages to a greater or lesser extent , but is something which also has an effect on the way people behave towards others , and on the way they may feel they can justifiably treat each other , particularly women .
6 It inevitably became an issue , however , after the king 's death , and Gloucester 's vulnerability was further increased by the death of his kinsman George Neville on 4 May — something which immediately converted the duke 's title to the northern Neville lands into a life interest only .
7 It inevitably became an issue , however , after the king 's death , and Gloucester 's vulnerability was further increased by the death of his kinsman George Neville on 4 May — something which immediately converted the duke 's title to the northern Neville lands into a life interest only .
8 This argument , that the Scottish party should elect its own leader , raise its own funds , hire and fire its own staff and sit in a Westminster coalition with the English and Welsh Labour Party , is something which acutely interests a few hundred activists , but not many MPs , and one guesses , precious few voters .
9 Hopefully this time the bolts will stay in for good , as chopping and replacing them ( something which now seems an annual event ) is causing untold damage to this superb pitch .
10 Beyond the Seventies pastiche which swamped last season 's collections , there is a strong appetite for simplicity and something which perhaps evokes an emphasis on inner beauty .
11 Thus the London weavers , an economically depressed group , but one which nevertheless contained a high preponderance of Nonconformists , rallied behind the Whig government at the time of the Sacheverell affair and helped the trained bands suppress High Church crowds in the City .
12 His advocated use of direct observation was one which also encouraged a thoughtful , sensitive , empirical use of media and which understood , respected and incorporated the natural image-making of childhood .
13 Regarding the social differentiation between the sexes , this conceptual schematization can result ( and I stress that this is just one possibility , and one which admirably serves the needs of patriarchy ) in women being perceived as closer to nature in consequence of the biological facts of childbirth and menstruation ( or rather , a particular cultural interpretation thereof ) , whilst men , who are deemed to lack such a cycle of visible creativity ( and who have other aspects of their own equally natural physiology denied ) , are placed within the realm of culture , manipulating their own social and political existence , and transcending the passive forces of nature .
14 And even where they have the technology capabilities to start doing this there is clearly little point in replacing an existing system with a new one which simply does the same thing .
15 In my view legal process embodies some properties which tend to increase the law 's trustworthiness as a moral guide although not one which simply incorporates the moral consensus of ordinary life with the rules of the polity .
16 This case is one which emphatically supports the old axiom : ‘ Prevention is better than cure ’ .
17 If successful , the advocates of these deregulation policies will irrevocably change the previous bilateral philosophy ( fair and equal opportunity , balance of rights , and sovereign nature of traffic ) to one which clearly favours the larger aviation powers and which is , in consequence , likely to be detrimental to the overall interest of the industry .
18 This pattern carried on one which already characterised the silk mills that had been set up following the success of the Derby mill .
19 What was to prove the most far-reaching of the changes introduced in the July 1951 cabinet was the elevation to ministerial rank of Admiral Carrero Blanco 's position as director of the office of the head of government ; and the one which best exemplified the combination of new and old , change and ossification , was the creation of a Ministry of Information and Tourism .
20 Of the available parsers the one which best satisfied the above criteria was the Alvey Natural Language Tools ( ANLT ) system .
21 The chosen option must be the one which best fits the forecast cost for the total project .
22 This is an important point - that the best statistical fit need not be the one which best represents the trend .
23 That is , all apart from this one which now employs a handful of people .
24 The great edition of the Paston Letters is his most obvious monument , but beside this there stand an edition of the non-cycle plays , a series of influential articles ( notably one which unobtrusively undermined the theory of R. W. Chambers on the ‘ continuity of English prose ’ ) , and two modestly entitled ‘ revisions ’ ( really new editions ) of Sweet 's Anglo-Saxon Primer and of Tolkien and Gordon 's Sir Gawain and the Green Knight .
25 Second , if we accept that such adjectives , unlike predicate qualifiers , are genuinely equivalent to a modified clause in conjunction with the noun phrase which they follow , then it is entirely predictable that this construction will demand , as the preceding main verb , one which customarily supports a predication expressed in an explicit subordinate clause ; this will not , however , be demanded of the verb preceding a predicate qualifier .
26 The spice-box itself is one of the most suggestive symbols in Judaism ; one which forcefully elucidates the Sabbath festivities , or at least their completion .
27 If we speak of control , we are speaking of empowerment , a now much abused word , but one which still conveys the sense of movement from situations of experienced powerlessness , both individual and collective , to one where people acquire some measure of determination in the course of events and policies .
28 When Mushtaq added Lamb 's wicket , lbw to a straightish one which hardly left the ground , much of the heart had been taken from England 's line-up , and the lead was a mere 99 , five down .
29 And what more radical initiative in education could be mounted than one which decisively disturbed the traditional partnership between central and local government in the management of education and which exploded once and for all the myth of ‘ the secret garden of the curriculum ’ ?
30 The great advances in producing the laws of physical science had come about through the application of a method , one which systematically simplified the messiness of the appearances of the world , to produce the pristine laws of natural science .
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