Example sentences of "[pron] [Wh det] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing which resembled the missing page .
2 This early text already exemplifies the pattern of narrative passages and meditations upon them which became the regular mode of presentation in the fuller texts of 1805 and 1850 ; and the sophisticated author is only too aware of the division within himself which the method leads to :
3 In the Soviet view , as we have seen , it was neither their living standards , nor the prominence of peasant workers among them which distinguished the Russian proletariat from those of the West .
4 I 'm gon na tell you what come the twelfth right anything I do n't want damaged I 'm taking home and locking up .
5 Now I 'll tell you what seems the right thing to me .
6 The desire to continue to nurse may have to be subjugated to the need to work at something which enables the other responsibilities to be satisfied .
7 The results obtained so far suggest that shape-specific long-chain water polymers could be the something which produces the physiological and pharmacological effects which homoeopathic potencies exert on living systems .
8 That ‘ manhood ’ was something which served the fifteenth-century kings of France well , when Scottish aristocrats and soldiers of fortune went to fight in their armies against the English ; from their number , Charles VII created the prestigious Scots guard in 1446 .
9 ‘ What I did not realise at the outset was that this overlap of business and politics was not something episodic or occasional , but something which permeated the whole system from bottom to top , the very top .
10 It seems necessary for it to have what has been called a ‘ cognitive map ’ in its head ; that is , it would have to have something which conveyed the same information as is conveyed by Figure 10 .
11 Indeed the pressure for change is not something which batters the conservative position from outside , it is a worm which undermines it from within .
12 The fundamental term was therefore " something which underlines the whole contract so that , if it is not complied with , the performance becomes something totally different from that which the contract contemplates " ( Devlin J in Smeaton Hanscomb & Co v Sassoon I Setty & Son & Co [ 1953 ] 1 WLR 1468 ) .
13 Where steel-workers once laboured in their thousands , the facilities built for student athletes from around the world are hoped to provide the backbone for a different kind of economic prosperity — one which acknowledges the changing economy and society of both Sheffield and the nation .
14 In fact what is proposed by Mr Ceravolo in his report to the Parliament is the setting of a timetable for the elimination of lead from petrol and it is likely that this will be on the agenda of the Council of Ministers in June and it is to be hoped that the Council will then call on the Commission to proceed to a new directive on the matter to replace the existing one which determines the 0.15 minimum level .
15 This may not always be the lowest price available , but the one which represents the best value over a period of time .
16 Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships , it will be difficult to fit into the existing order .
17 X causes Y which in turn causes Z ’ ; while a mediating variable ‘ is one which shapes the very relationship between the two other variables : Y causes the way in which X affects Z ’ ( 1979 : 23 ) .
18 This type of system requires two cold water cisterns : the normal one which supplies the cold feed to the hot water cylinder ( the ‘ secondary ’ circuit ) ; the other a feed-and-expansion cistern for supplying the ‘ primary ’ boiler circuit .
19 Although arguably the most constructive approach , this is usually the one which creates the greatest controversy .
20 As stated earlier , the purpose of this book is to examine certain aspects of company law from a particular point of view : one which takes the relevant rules to be part of the machinery by which power , and particularly what we have called social decision-making power , is sustained and regulated .
21 One child can be given the label of being the naughty one which lets the other children in the family off the hook .
22 My own view is that these exceptions are so infrequent that they are not a reason for abandoning the neo-Darwinist mechanism as the one which underlies the vast majority of adaptive evolutionary changes .
23 To the extent that these arenas support and acknowledge people 's feelings and their search for greater clarity , they must presuppose a set of values that is different from the one which underlies the common staffroom ethos ; and after a while this clash of values may become explicit .
24 Hawkins and Jess took the slave to the one which housed the old pony tack , the moth-eaten horse blankets , the bits and pieces from Mr Jarman 's horse-riding lifetime and his father 's before him .
25 The Italian insurrection was a dismal failure , one which caused the young man not only political disappointment but personal tragedy , for his elder brother died as a result of illness contracted during the rising .
26 In The Future of an Illusion , the use of the term ‘ religion ’ is one which fits the Jewish-Islamic-Christian complex of religions , which are built upon the notion of a Creator God .
27 In keeping with what Fun Run founder Norman Harris sees as the original principles of the event , it 'll reward overall performances by a team — not necessarily the fastest team , but the one which has the best spread of age-group competitors .
28 The ideal organization and the one which has the best chance of success is one where , if you ask anybody from the chairman down to the newest recruit on the shop floor what that business is trying to do , you 'd get the same answer .
29 When comparing fractions some pupils may compare numerators only or select as the largest fraction the one which has the largest numerator and largest denominator .
30 Thus the fractions selected for comparison must require the pupils to consider both numerator and denominator and the largest fraction must not be one which has the largest numerator and denominator .
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